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I want to add extra META tag, only for discussion pages

I want to add extra META tag, in HEAD section, only for discussion pages

have you any idea about that ?


  • If you don't want to use one of the SEO plugins, write your own.

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    $PluginInfo['SingleMetaTag'] = array( // You put whatever you want to call your plugin folder as the key
        'Name' => 'Single Meta Tag', // User friendly name, this is what will show up on the garden plugins page
        'Description' => 'This adds a single meta tag to the discussion controller head module.', // This is also shown on the garden plugins page. Will be used as the first line of the description if uploaded to the official addons repository at
        'Version' => '0.1', // Anything can go here, but it is suggested that you use some type of naming convention; will appear on the garden vanilla plugins page
        'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => ''), // Can require multiple applications (e.g. Vanilla and Conversations)
        'MobileFriendly' => TRUE, // Should this plugin be run on mobile devices?
        'Author' => 'Zachary Doll', // This will appear in the garden plugins page
        'AuthorEmail' => '',
        'AuthorUrl' => '',
        'License' => 'GPLv3' // Specify your license to prevent ambiguity
    class SingleMetaTag extends Gdn_Plugin {
        public function DiscussionController_Render_Before($Sender) {
            $Sender->Head->AddTag('meta', array(
                'name' => 'description', // This sets the name attribute of the meta tag to description (e.g. <meta name="description" />)
                'content' => 'This is my content of the meta tag'

    You can find out more about writing plugins on the community wiki.

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2013

    I hope he doesn't tell you I don't want a plugin, i want to know how to do it. like he did last time (and then left the question hanging without responding - re:the spam applicants. and quite a few questions he has asked before)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • did this work for you @chanux.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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