Converting to SSL site - use ProxyConnect or jsConnect and how?

I'm using VanillaForums v and have it integrated now with my site login using ProxyConnect v1.9.9. It works fine, but I need to convert everything over to SSL-only. I have the certificate installed, etc. But cannot get Vanilla to recognize the site login when using SSL. I've read about changing the authentication URL from to and even, tried all to no avail. Also tried jsConnect and copied the ProxyConnect Authentication Key into jsConnect's Client ID and when accessing the forums I then get the login screen (which doesn't recognize the pre-filled login credentials).
Is there a good tutorial on converting ProxyConnect to SSL, or switching to jsConnect if that works better?
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While I have no experience with running Vanilla over SSL, I know that jsConnect is the preferred method for SSO.
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it shouldn't be any problem however depending on which method you use it wouldn't necessarily follow 301 redirect. you need to debug the process both ends.
jsConnect definitely works, however I know for a fact that the official vanilla wordpress plugin won't work in most cases, becuase it uses a hook there is rarely used nowadays.
grep is your friend.
My site doesn't use WordPress, this is a custom-designed login. Can anyone please point me to some instructions on how to get jsConnect set up?
@jbull said:
Should I assume the documention didn't help? or that you didn't read it? or that you didn't look at the vanilla documentation or the wiki?
check out the docs page and click on jsconnect. there are many technical explanations.
throughout the forum as well which may help.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine : Do we have the tutorial which mentions about jsconnect for java ?