yep my search and replace conversion of phpBB fixes.
$SearchRepl[':']=array("repl"=>':',"regexp"=>FALSE); $SearchRepl['.']=array("repl"=>'.',"regexp"=>FALSE); $SearchRepl['"']=array("repl"=>'"',"regexp"=>FALSE); $SearchRepl['<[\-]+']=array("repl"=>'',"regexp"=>TRUE); $SearchRepl['<!--\s+s([^\s]+)\s+-->\s*<img[^>]+>\s*<!--\s+s[^\s]+\s+-->'] =array("repl"=>'\\1',"regexp"=>TRUE); $SearchRepl['<!--\s+s([^\s]+)\s+-->\s*<img[^&]+>\s*<!--\s+s[^\s]+\s+-->'] =array("repl"=>'\\1',"regexp"=>TRUE); $SearchRepl['/?viewtopic\.php([a-z\d=&\?]*?)([&\?](p|post)=(\d+))([a-z\d=&\?]*)'] =array("repl"=>'/discussion/comment/\\4/', "regexp"=>TRUE); $SearchRepl['/?viewtopic\.php([a-z\d=&\?]*?)([&\?](t|topic)=(\d+))([a-z\d=&\?]*)'] =array("repl"=>'/discussion/\\4/x/p1/', "regexp"=>TRUE); $SearchRepl['/?viewforum\.php([a-z\d=&\?]*?)([&\?](f|forum)=(\d+))([a-z\d=&\?]*)'] =array("repl"=>'/categories/\\4/', "regexp"=>TRUE);
In other words it is converting some weird artefacts but not all html tags, becuase it is expecting html tags to be the exception the the rule.
grep is your friend.
Thanks guys, I'll give these methods a try. Once I get this HTML issue fixed, I'll be ready to go live with my new Vanilla forum! I appreciate all the help....
yep my search and replace conversion of phpBB fixes.
In other words it is converting some weird artefacts but not all html tags, becuase it is expecting html tags to be the exception the the rule.
grep is your friend.
Thanks guys, I'll give these methods a try. Once I get this HTML issue fixed, I'll be ready to go live with my new Vanilla forum! I appreciate all the help....