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Not translating and one OT question

Hi people. New to Vanilla and still learning, so be gentle to me ;)

I'm having some issues with the locale I have downloaded to my forum. Everything is not translated even though the string is in the file. I have checked, edited, re-edited, added double entries just in case and even joined the transifex team and translated every missing piece but it's not helping.

Mainly it's the "comments" and "views" on the forum homepage that is not being translated no matter what I do.
I'm running Vanilla 2.1b2 and the locale is from 2012.10.05.

Any help, tips or pointers are welcome.

And for the off topic question. When looking at posts on vanilla.org all of them have this fancy popup underneath with some functions like "insightful", "awesome" and "lol". What is that? Plugin or something else? I don't have that and just want to rule out any bug or something else from my forum.




  • I'm going to answer your off topic question: what you see here is a plugin available only on the paid hosted forums (vanillaforums.com). For the free version you can use Peregrine Reactions.

  • Welcome to the community!

    Translations often use keys or phrases that aren't the actual text. If you could post a screenshot showing exactly where the words aren't being translated, I can point you in the right direction.

    As far as the off topic question, those are called reactions. It is a plugin reserved for the paid cloud version. Peregrine has created a community version called Peregrine Reactions.

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  • @Tudor said:
    I'm going to answer your off topic question: what you see here is a plugin available only on the paid hosted forums (vanillaforums.com). For the free version you can use Peregrine Reactions.

    Thanks man =)

  • edited December 2013

    @hgtonight said:
    Welcome to the community!

    Translations often use keys or phrases that aren't the actual text. If you could post a screenshot showing exactly where the words aren't being translated, I can point you in the right direction.

    As far as the off topic question, those are called reactions. It is a plugin reserved for the paid cloud version. Peregrine has created a community version called Peregrine Reactions.

  • You will need to add translation definitions for '%s view html', '%s views html', '%s comment html', and '%s comments html'. The %s must be included and is a placeholder for the variable number.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    You will need to add translation definitions for '%s view html', '%s views html', '%s comment html', and '%s comments html'. The %s must be included and is a placeholder for the variable number.

    In site_core.php right?

  • Never mind, solved! =) Thanks a lot @hgtonight.

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