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Need to change Welcome message
We have need to change welcome message like 'Welcome to company discussion forum. To be able to participate in the discussions you need to sign up in the forum itself. You cannot use your regular company password - and you are adviced to use a different password here - for security reasons. '
I am new to vanilla forum, Can any one please help on how can i do that?
You could change that by creating a custom "translation" for that text:
Thanks for your reply, but i can't find this text anywhere in the file not getting where this message is defined. I don't have access to files on server i have just downloaded everything from net and check but couldn't find the message anywhere
You could change the "Howdy, Stranger!" that way:
Search the forum for "howdy" and you'll find some more discussions about that
This is not that message . this is some other message We don't have to change this message
So you look at your forum and you see the message "Welcome to company discussion forum. To be able to participate in the discussions..."? That is not Vanilla standard, so you would have to describe some more to get help.
Do you see that in the same sidebar module where you see the buttons to sign in / apply for membership? Then I think somebody already has customized the Vanilla standard "Howdy, Stranger!"
Wait - you have said, that you do not have access to the files on the server? You are lost. You can not translate text in Vanilla itself. You have to edit the translation files on the server.
You could add a message via the dashboard or via the pockets plugin.
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Thanks for your reply
R_J i have to edit the required file to be replaced on site but the problem is i don't have clue which file is it where this message is displayed, we have two messages for new customers one that "Howdy, Stranger!" and the other one is this which i have to edit.
hgtonight will try
follow step
Vanilla>applicaions>Vanilla>views> modules>geust.php finds this word
<?php echo T('Howdy, Stranger!'); ?>
"Howdy,Stranger!"edit and save preview
@pujakumari: No, don't do that. Look at that discussion to find out why:
If you find the old Howdy Stranger in the source but it is not displayed, than most probably someone else has translated it already. You would have to look at all translation files you could find. I would look at the following places:
Maybe someone has translated that in a plugin? Not very probable, but if all else fails, you would have to check that also and you would have to look for all definitions in /plugins/
@frindman: You should read about translating Vanilla: You could simply translate everything you find in the core files that is enclosed in the T() function. Simply create
and add that lines:If it gets not displayed, you'll have to delete
an odd twist on this - looking at my bing webmaster tools acct I see that this is a popular search to find the forums
I assume these are from bots and how they are finding their way to the registration. Would be nice to be able to change this in the admin panel.