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[Solved] Does not do anything

edited January 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hello. I read the README.MD and TODO.MD and I set it up, however, nothing is happening. There isn't a leaderboard in the Activity page even though I enabled it and set the maximum number of leaders, there are no Reaction Options in the discussion and comments even though I enabled every one of the 4 options in the Settings part of the Gamification Menu. I set the permissions on the role I was on as Administrator, and checked every Yaga permission, but nothing happens. Is this an error / bug in the latest version?



  • edited January 2014

    Does clearing the .ini files in the /cache folder fix it? If not, add $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE; to the config file and then see if any errors come up on any of the pages.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • @Shadowdare said:
    Does clearing the .ini files in the /cache folder fix it? If not, add $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE; to the config file and then see if any errors come up on any of the pages.

    I think we have some very useful information here in this picture... :)

  • Out of the box, Yaga comes pre-configured with 2 reactions, 0 badges, and 0 ranks.

    Assuming a correct installation, and the reactions being enabled, you should see Like and Dislike thumbs up/down on your comments.

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  • @hgtonight Wait! Yaga comes with those 2 reactions disabled?

  • Ok. Now I get a Fatal Error...

  • @ilovetech said:
    Ok. Now I get a Fatal Error...

    That is a (probably) unrelated issue with the Karma plugin.

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  • @ilovetech said:
    hgtonight Wait! Yaga comes with those 2 reactions disabled?

    Yaga defaults to having everything disabled. It still inserts the stub data though.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    That is a (probably) unrelated issue with the Karma plugin.

    it is mostly self explanatory too.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    it is mostly self explanatory too.


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  • How do I fix that Fatal Error?

  • create the folder, and assign the correct ownership and permissions.

    grep is your friend.

  • edited January 2014

    How do you enable Reactions in Yaga, @hgtonight?

  • From the readme:

    Once you've added the application to your Vanilla installation, you need to activate it in the dashboard. Once activated, you will see a new "Gamification" menu in the dashboard sidebar where you can configure each individual part of the Yaga application.

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  • I enabled all 4 in the Settings of the Gamification Menu, but it still doesn't show, and I've added more Reactions.

  • Once they are enabled, you can click on the appropriate setting in the gamification group on the side menu.

    Have you modified your theme in any way? Yaga reactions depends on some hooks fired in your theme's view, so removing those will prevent the reactions from showing.

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  • edited January 2014

    Yes. In my default.master.tpl, I added this: Copyright © 2014 TimeWorld Forum Inc. All Rights Reserved but otherwise, I do not think so

  • edited January 2014

    Where is the default theme stored? I wanna upload the theme again from a fresh extracted copy of Vanilla 2.1b2. (BTW, it is obvious that I use the default theme)

  • @ilovetech said:
    Where is the default theme stored? I wanna upload the theme again from a fresh extracted copy of Vanilla 2.1b2. (BTW, it is obvious that I use the default theme)

    Just upload a fresh copy of 2.1b2. It will wipe out any core modifications you made. Also, I don't know what/where your website is. The only screenshot you showed was of the admin screen.

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  • edited January 2014

    @hgtonight My site is at: and I will PM you with a DEMO admin account so you can look around the site and see anything that needs to be fixed or if I did it correctly.

  • It works? I can't see it, but I know you gave me a promote @hgtonight

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