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Confirmation email going into spam folder

I'm hosting vanilla on goDaddy.
I tried configuring the confirmation email with the local mail server and with smtp.

With local mail server the confirmation email ends up the users spam or junk folder.
With the smtp no email is being sent. I configured it like this:

SMPT Host:
SMTP User: email address
SMTP Password: email password
SMTP Port: 25
SMTP Security: None

What am I doing wrong?


  • Welcome to the community!

    What version number of Vanilla are you running?

    Emails being sent to the spam folder is a problem you see often on cheap hosts. I highly suggest using an SMTP server and your host can tell you exactly what information to use for configuration.

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  • Thanks for responding! I'm using version

    I'll give go daddy a call and see about our smtp server. It's not everyone's confirmation email that goes to spam, it,s with hotmail and a few others.

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