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Making Vanilla look like other forums?


I'd like to make my VanillaForums show all Categories and Subforums on the index site like it is on other forums like phpBB, myBB or wbb. How can I achieve this?


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    ZhaanZhaan Professional fool ✭✭

    Vanilla already does this >

    you can set that as your forum homepage and customize it to your liking.

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    Well, that's not really what I wanted. In other Forums you have a category and under that there the other forums. Then again a category and again forums. For example like that:

    The category is Racing. Then there are the forums like Nascar Racing and so on.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New Moderator

    You just group your categories as subcategories and so on. You drag and drop the categories on the categories dashboard page to change the sort order and nesting (drag right to make the category a subcategory of the category above it).

    If you are using a category as a heading only, I highly suggest you disable posting in that category.

    You can create arbitrarily complex trees in Vanilla.

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