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IPB support for VanillaPorter (beta)

You can get it here: https://github.com/lincolnwebs/VanillaPorter

Please file issues & pull requests on GitHub. I just ran it and it worked great, but it's not well-tested outside Vanilla's normal ecosystem so your mileage may vary. If I can get a few confirmations I'll release it in the next version of Porter.


  • Any takers? Anyone with an old IPB db wanna give it a spin for the heck of it?

  • I want to try importing from IPB 3.3.2 (to Vanilla 2), but actually I need a detailed instruction since I'm not good at forum platforms..

  • Just got the Vanilla Newsletter and saw this. I have a current fairly big IPB install I'd be happy to convert to Vanilla. I'll grab it and see how it goes.

  • brujahbrujah
    edited March 2014

    Forgot that I was using two databases using IPB's archive feature. I have a regular IPB database installed, and also an IPB Archive database for archived topics. I chose the command line way of doing it anyway. I'll outline my steps in case it helps anyone else.

    I created a /vanilla/ subdirectory and installed vanilla.
    I created a /vanilla/porter/ subdirectory and put the porter files there.

    I ran the following command inside the vanilla/porter directory.

    php index.php --host=localhost --dbname=***** -u=***** -p=***** --type=ipb --prefix=ibf_

    The output:

    // Export Started: 2014-03-26 11:06:29
    // Exported Table: User (18870 rows, 00:05.24)
    // Exported Table: Role (13 rows, 00:00.00)
    // Exported Table: Permission (13 rows, 00:00.00)
    // Exported Table: UserRole (18890 rows, 00:00.35)
    // Exported Table: UserMeta (5650 rows, 00:00.34)
    // Exported Table: Category (24 rows, 00:00.01)
    // Exported Table: Discussion (102125 rows, 00:17.77)
    // Exported Table: Comment (116847 rows, 00:23.96)
    // Exported Table: Media (1335 rows, 00:00.43)
    // Exported Table: Conversation (12390 rows, 00:00.81)
    // Exported Table: ConversationMessage (51538 rows, 00:07.44)
    // Exported Table: UserConversation (40427 rows, 00:01.24)
    // export_database_2014-03-26_110629.txt.gz
    // Export Completed: 2014-03-26 11:07:27
    // Elapsed Time: 00:57.61

    I copied the export_database_2014-03-26_110629.txt.gz file to my vanilla/uploads folder.

    I logged into the vanilla dashboard and clicked import, chose the export file it detected
    and entered the old forums admin email address, clicked start and verified on the next screen

    It processed things for a few minutes.

    The output:

    You have successfully completed an import. Remember to visit Dashboard > Roles & Permissions to set up your role permissions. Click Finished when you are ready.
    * Initialize
    * Process Import File
    * Define Tables
    * Load User Table
    * Authenticate Admin User
    * Insert User Table
    * Load Tables
    * Delete Overwrite Tables
    * Insert Tables
    * Update Counts
    * Custom Finalization
    * Add Activity
    Started 2014-03-26 18:10:58
    Time Spent on Import    5:29.92
    Finished    2014-03-26 18:16:54
  • As I browse the converted Vanilla install I notice a few things, otherwise everything looks pretty good.

    • I didn't import avatars/photos, so those are missing.
    • BBCode wasn't converted.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited March 2014

    You could run these queries on your database to ensure everything is BBCode-marked:

     update GDN_Discussion set Format = 'BBCode';
     update GDN_Comment set Format = 'BBCode';

    If you still have some unformatted BBCode, try the NBBC addon.

    It does appear it skips avatars entirely currently; the code is there but it's never called. Very odd; might take a bit of digging to sort that one out.

    Thanks for giving it a whirl.

  • Thanks Lincoln. The queries worked to fix the bbcode issues.

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