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Is it possible to pass a class attribute to form labels?

Couldn't find the forms controller in the dashboard / vanilla directories, so hopefully someone will already know this.
Is it possible to pass a class attribute to a form label? I can see them being rendered in the view like this:$this->Form->Label('Username', 'Name')
… but my experiments to pass an additional class have been unsuccessful (tried passing a key/value array as the third parameter and that produced a very interesting effect!).
Should work
grep is your friend.
You should be able to pass an array of attribute => value pairs in as the third argument. Some attributes on the form object are reserved due to the nature of the class. None of the following attributes can be set as of 'id', 'name', 'value', 'method', 'action', 'type', 'for', 'multiline', 'default', 'textfield', 'valuefield', 'includenull', 'yearrange', 'fields', and 'inlineerrors'.
This means you can add a class like so:
echo $this->Form->Label('Text Shown To User', 'Fieldname', array('class' => 'MySuperCoolClass'));
For more information, the form object is of type Gdn_Form and is defined in
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Thanks. I thought I'd tried that, but obviously must have got my syntax wrong since it's now working. ;-)