WordPress integration problems

I am working on integrating a new vanilla forum onto my wordpress website. I've been using the WP Vanilla Connect WP plugin for a while for the single sign on benefit. But I finally decided to integrate the forum onto one of my website pages, so I installed the Vanilla Forum WP plugin and started setting that up. But...the forum wouldn't display on the WP page yesterday. It just didn't show up.
So, I started troubleshooting. I noticed it had different information than the WP Vanilla Connect plugin, so I assumed they were conflicting and I disabled the WP Vanilla Connect.
Now though I have a bigger problem. Today, I can't log into the forum at all - if I try to click to sign in with my website credentials, it just sits at "Connecting." And if I try to manually sign in with my credentials from the main website, it says it doesn't recognize the information.
So...did I mess up completely? What's the deal with the 2 plugins? How do I get back in again...?
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Are you trying to embed?
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Thanks! Yes, I am - that was what I started trying to do a couple days ago and it didn't work, it didn't populate the page. Previous to that I'd already had the WP Vanilla Connect plugin activated and working for a while.
In my experience, embedding often conflicts with single sign on (SSO) out of the box. It is possible to get working, but you have to understand what all is in play.
My suggestion is to not embed if at all possible.
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I would agree. SSO and embedded is not a good idea to be together. It could be a source of cookies mess.
Dang, that was a big reason I went with Vanilla, because I thought I could both embed it into a WP page and use SSO. What else do people do to get the forum to look like it's part of a website if they want to use SSO?
Also, if it's a bad idea, why does the Vanilla Forum plugin have both features?
I think the SSO is for you to theme Vanilla to look like your site, embedded is for you to embedded into your site but not use SSO.
Is it hard to create a new skin/theme for a site to make it look like my main site? Is there by chance a tutorial somewhere?
SSO is used to allow users to connect with the same credentials as other parts of a website (for example your blog). Embed is to simply place you website on your page. It's quick and simple, but there are SEO considerations. In terms of creating a new skin or theme, if you are comfortable with CSS/HTML, and the use of smarty, it's relatively easy. Take a look at some of the themes and how they are built. I am sure people here will be happy to help. I would start with one of the default themes, copy to a new folder and experiment with the colors that make sense for you. I will be working on some documentation in the near future to make this a little easier.
sorry this is not accurate.
grep is your friend.
Please state what is accurate and I am curious to know too.