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Order RSS by most recent Discussion date (not most recent comment date)?

I linked up [myforumurl]/discussions/feed.rss to feedburner. Users are confused. Vanilla is ordering the feeds by latest COMMENT date, not latest discussion date. In other words, a discussion from 2 years ago is showing up as the "latest" discussion simply because someone commented on it today.
I checked out the raw RSS feed in my browser and the same issue comes up - the top discussions in the feed are not the newest discussions.
Is there any way to change the behavior of feed.rss so it behaves more like a traditional RSS feed -- showing the latest discussions first?
I also tried but the behavior is the same (shows old discussions as "latest" discussions)
You are looking to change the sort field, check out this discussion here:
Let me know if that works for you.
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@hgtonight I did indeed see your post before and it worked. The problem is, that threw off the whole site, so every category was ordered by date discussion was inserted. I am just looking for a way to have a feed ordered by date discussion inserted.
Maybe there is a feed parser out there that is smarter than feedburner. But feedburner can't figure it out based on the feed provided.
This is somewhat of a pickle. You would want to hook into the discussion model to change the sort, but the controller is what knows what the delivery method is.
I don't have a codebase in front of me at the moment, so I can't really help.
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I think the bigger problem here is that the users are expecting a front page that lists the discussions by the date the discussion was inserted, not the default Vanilla behavior (date the last comment was inserted). I suspect the best way to fix this is write a custom function that is based off of the Vanilla "discussion model" and then call that function on a new page?
I don't really care when someone started a discussion, just when the last person was talking about it. If you want to sort the discussion list site wide, follow the previous link. If you want just a feed that is sorted this way, you can hook in and do that via a plugin.
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We have two classes of users: those who think like you do, and those who are perhaps more casual users and are bewildered that they no longer have a blog-like front page that lists the discussions chronologically. So that's why we do not want the whole site to be sorted that way.
If I was to write a plugin to create a blog-like front page (which is a bit beyond my current abilities, at least as of today) is there a good starting point you could recommend? Would I take an existing function and rewrite it?
I did try the "Nillablog" plugin, but that plugin only allows you to pick categories that you want to display in "blog-like" fashion. I suppose there is maybe a way to hack it...
If you are looking for a blog application, I highly suggest checking out @Shadowdare's Articles application proposal. I personally started using NillaBlog but ended up writing my own that does some nice stuff with the modules. I didn't release it because I think it is a little rough, but it is called BlanderBlog and you can find it on my GitHub.
If you want to create a new "view" like discussions/bydate that would be pretty easy to do via a plugin. This hook will temporarily override the configured sort field and direction:
Not sure where to put this? Add it to your theme hooks file, or create a simple plugin to put it in.
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omigosh, it's like magic! Thank you. Vanilla is so powerful... yet so mysterious. @hgtonight I hope one day I have your ninja skills.