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Favicon notification count

Im looking for a plugin that shows the notification count in the favicon. I think this is a really good feature to have for a forum.
Currently im running a view webshops that show the amount of products in the cart and i also installed a gmail 'addon' that shows the unread count, so i know it possible.
Any ideas someone?
A simple js way would be to include a library like and use a script like that:
But it would be much nicer to include that (great idea by the way) as a php plugin
Hey! thanks for the tip i forgot about favico.js but it works now. Only problem is the notification on the website don't check live only when you refresh. Is there a option
You can get the current count of notifications for a user with the following PHP code:
Get that code executed however often you want and update your favicon. I would suggest making it a plugin. Hooking into the inform notifications method would be a good idea.
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