Hey guys! Sorry for having to upload this but I have a crucial issue with translations, exactly with one phrase. I don't know how to translate this one and I tried that (obviously worong). Thanks in advance!
$Definition['EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here'] = 'EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'MyTranslate';
@Deprecatedz said:
Hey guys! Sorry for having to upload this but I have a crucial issue with translations, exactly with one phrase. I don't know how to translate this one and I tried that (obviously worong). Thanks in advance!
$Definition['EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here'] = 'EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'MyTranslate';
Use it like that: $Definition['EmbededDiscussionLinkText'] = 'MyTranslate';
you change or add a definition in one of the following files
the order of locales (the higher the number on the list, the higher precedence).
en-CA is a country code (substitute your own country code that you use
1 - application based and dashboard based definitions
2- plugin based - plugins/yourplugin/locale/en-US.php
plugins/your plugin/locale/en-US/definitions.php
3 - theme based - themes/yourtheme/locale/en-CA.php
4 - locale based - /locales/en-US/definitions.php
5 - locale based locales/en-US/other_definitions.php
6- conf based - conf/locale.php
7- conf - specialized conf/locale-en-US.php
There is at no place the advice to use the LocaleDeveloper results as your final translation files. I personally do not know if you can go that way, but I think you shouldn't try it out when the advice here is to use other ways.
General installation of language specific locales.
Download the locale you want from the Addon Directory.
Upload the folder to your locales folder.
In the Dashboard, go to Locales option
Enable the locale.
repeat the above steps for all the languages you want.
you can download multiple locales and use the Multilingual plugin or any of the other plugins that support multiple languages.
then after you enable all the locales you want via the dashboard locales option, choose a default option on the dashboard locales screen and save it.
You will notice for all locales you installed , there is a Locale: xx in the dashboard for each locale to the left of the locale description in the dashboard for each locale.
The xx is the name of the locale. It may be ru for russian, de for german, it for italian, and so on.
This is the same name that appears in the definitions.php in the downloaded locale.
lets say you downloaded the proper language folder these are locate here in add-ons locales. You may have multiple choices lets say you wanted german. you might see 2 or 3 add-ons. Choose the most recent one which generally says "official" in the description. The official locales are properly named and has Staff authorship in the addon section, they integrate well with vanilla.
Vanilla forums does a great job with locales. And there is alot of flexibility.
$LocaleInfo['vf_de'] = array (
'Name' => 'Deutsch / German',
'EnName' => 'German',
'Description' => 'Official German language translations for Vanilla. Help contribute to this translation by going to its translation site here.',
'Version' => '2016.07.22p1100',
'Author' => 'Vanilla Community',
'AuthorUrl' => 'https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/vanilla/language/de/',
'License' => 'CC BY-SA 4.0',
'PercentComplete' => 98,
'NumComplete' => 2187,
'DenComplete' => 2228,
'Icon' => 'de.png',
the 'Locale' => 'de', is the name that appears in dashboard Locale: xx or Locale: de
this is the same name that appears in you config on the right hand side after you enable the 'Name' => 'Deutsch / German'
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_de'] = 'de';
so the right hand side is "de".
therefore you can use xx.php where xx is the 'Locale' name in the definitions (and the right had side of enabled locales in config.php).
de.php in the locales in your plugin folders.
If you want to override a translation of a plugin, or an application, or a locale EVERYWHERE for all languages you can create a conf/locale.php as specified in the discussion and comments above.
BUT if you want to override a specific language locale but not others. For example if you want to override the Russian locale with your own Russian substitutes and override the German translations with your own German substitutes and your Italian translation with your own Italian substitutes.
conf/locale-xx.php files. where xx is the language 'Locale' (see above).
and you can use conf/locale-de.php in your conf file if you want to override just a portion of the german locale but not affect any other language.
Enabling locales and setting defaults should update the cache files. But if you add a locale file to a plugin, an app, or or the conf file, etc. BEST to Delete the .ini files since this will cause a re-read and add in any files you may have created.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
if you use multilingual type of plugin.
obviously if you only want to change(override) english specific translations but leave the other languages translations as is (you would not want /conf/locale.php) but ....
you would add a /conf/locale-en.php
since en is the default locale with vanilla out of the box.
see top discussion for precedence of locale files.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
Here is info about the best text editors to use http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/27773/what-text-editor-to-use-when-editing-vanilla-files
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Hey guys! Sorry for having to upload this but I have a crucial issue with translations, exactly with one phrase. I don't know how to translate this one and I tried that (obviously worong). Thanks in advance!
$Definition['EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here'] = 'EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'MyTranslate';
Use it like that:
$Definition['EmbededDiscussionLinkText'] = 'MyTranslate';
Is not working . I tried a lot of combinations, I'm starting with Vanilla scripting...
In which file do you have it?
Have you deleted the /cache/*.ini files?
I put in my site_core.php, and yes every cache is refreshed I don't know how to translate this
Yeah! It works like that. (BUT I don't know how cache works, actually I can't change it again )
You should have read the documentation
There is at no place the advice to use the LocaleDeveloper results as your final translation files. I personally do not know if you can go that way, but I think you shouldn't try it out when the advice here is to use other ways.
@R_j I do not get this can you help me? I think you know what I'm trying to do.
Welcome to the community.
What is it you can't find?
You have to create the file locale.php in the conf folder, and then add the translations.
General installation of language specific locales.
Enable the locale.
repeat the above steps for all the languages you want.
you can download multiple locales and use the Multilingual plugin or any of the other plugins that support multiple languages.
then after you enable all the locales you want via the dashboard locales option, choose a default option on the dashboard locales screen and save it.
You will notice for all locales you installed , there is a Locale: xx in the dashboard for each locale to the left of the locale description in the dashboard for each locale.
The xx is the name of the locale. It may be ru for russian, de for german, it for italian, and so on.
This is the same name that appears in the definitions.php in the downloaded locale.
lets say you downloaded the proper language folder these are locate here in add-ons locales. You may have multiple choices lets say you wanted german. you might see 2 or 3 add-ons. Choose the most recent one which generally says "official" in the description. The official locales are properly named and has Staff authorship in the addon section, they integrate well with vanilla.
Vanilla forums does a great job with locales. And there is alot of flexibility.
e.g. after downloading the proper german addon https://vanillaforums.org/addon/vf_de-locale
in definitions.php of the /vf-de folder
you will see
$LocaleInfo['vf_de'] = array (
'Name' => 'Deutsch / German',
'EnName' => 'German',
'Description' => 'Official German language translations for Vanilla. Help contribute to this translation by going to its translation site here.',
'Version' => '2016.07.22p1100',
'Author' => 'Vanilla Community',
'AuthorUrl' => 'https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/vanilla/language/de/',
'License' => 'CC BY-SA 4.0',
'PercentComplete' => 98,
'NumComplete' => 2187,
'DenComplete' => 2228,
'Icon' => 'de.png',
the 'Locale' => 'de', is the name that appears in dashboard Locale: xx or Locale: de
this is the same name that appears in you config on the right hand side after you enable the 'Name' => 'Deutsch / German'
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_de'] = 'de';
so the right hand side is "de".
therefore you can use xx.php where xx is the 'Locale' name in the definitions (and the right had side of enabled locales in config.php).
de.php in the locales in your plugin folders.
If you want to override a translation of a plugin, or an application, or a locale EVERYWHERE for all languages you can create a conf/locale.php as specified in the discussion and comments above.
BUT if you want to override a specific language locale but not others. For example if you want to override the Russian locale with your own Russian substitutes and override the German translations with your own German substitutes and your Italian translation with your own Italian substitutes.
conf/locale-xx.php files. where xx is the language 'Locale' (see above).
and you can use conf/locale-de.php in your conf file if you want to override just a portion of the german locale but not affect any other language.
so you could have
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_de'] = 'de';
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_it'] = 'it';
$Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_ru'] = 'ru';
so in your conf folder you might have 3 locales files to specifically override each language.
Enabling locales and setting defaults should update the cache files. But if you add a locale file to a plugin, an app, or or the conf file, etc. BEST to Delete the .ini files since this will cause a re-read and add in any files you may have created.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
if you use multilingual type of plugin.
obviously if you only want to change(override) english specific translations but leave the other languages translations as is (you would not want /conf/locale.php) but ....
you would add a /conf/locale-en.php
since en is the default locale with vanilla out of the box.
see top discussion for precedence of locale files.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.