User Page : Activity Page : Activity List shows duplicate activities

On my site, whenever a user opens their user page from the top menu (then shows sub menu with choices Notifications, Activity, Discussions, Comments, etc), the activity list is showing multiple duplicates for each activity. When checking the database GDN_Activity table, there are multiple entries for each activity (such as a comment on a discussion), apparently depending on "followers" - there is a row for each different "RegardingUserID" value.
So it seems the Activity list is showing each row of the table for each "RegardingUserID", even though it really is only one activity.
I can't find the function where the Activity table is being generated (too many similar names). Is there a known workaround for this, and which file has the code that generates the user activity view?
This is for Vanilla
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No - this is on a fresh install (but with the database imported from my live site). Only CLEditor plugin active.
Are the activities duplicated in your live site?
How did you import the data (porter script or sql dump)?
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your problem is most likely you imported before emptying or truncatiing all the tables.
describe your entire procedure for what you did..
what did the forum look like prior to import. did it have records in it.
you shouldn't import a database into one that already has live forum data in it. unless the import automatically empties , truncates or drops table prior to load.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I don't think it is the database - I was just trying to say I didn't think it was a plugin - I didn't mean to devolve this into a discussion of proper database importation - I know how to do that, certainly did a nice clean import. I was getting identical behavior on the live site and on the clone.
I have several plugins on the live site, inlcuding: , Activity Purge (which I wish would allow purging for something less than 12 months!), All Viewwd, BotStop, Buld Edit, CleanLog, Cleanser, Cloudflare SUpport (which does not work), CommentRSS, Emotify
, Gravatar, In This Discussion, Last RSS for Vanilla, Pockets, Q&A, RoleTitle, Split / Merge (FE), Stop Forum Spam, Unread Discussions, and CLEditor. BUT, I'm pretty sure they are not the issue.
It turns out that the duplicate entries are shown ONLY if the user has checked
'Email.NewComment' or 'Email.NewDiscussion'
There were about 15 users who had those settings, or had had them in the past (so that there were entries in GDN_UserMeta that did not get deleted when the user was deleted). Once deleted the entries in GDN_UserMeta and changed the settings (manually) of those users who had those options set, I'm no longer seeing the duplicates in Activity.
So for me, the solution was to delete the entries and disallow that as an option in the future. This is an adequate solution for me for now, but I don't think it should be creating the duplicate display in the first place.
nice followup.
So are you saying the sql file you imported had duplicates in it. from what I gather. Since we are not devolving into how to properly import data.
it would be interesting if you could duplicate the same flaw in 2.1b3, (i.e. set user prefs for some users with'Email.NewComment' or 'Email.NewDiscussion', export, then import). if you had the time, and then file it on github, if it is still a problem. Or if someone else wants to see if they can replicate the same problem in 2.1b3
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.