[GITHUB USERS] Update Garden remote URL
As of this discussion being posted, we have renamed the 'Garden' repo to 'vanilla' on GitHub. You can get the new remote URL here: http://github.com/vanillaforums/vanilla
Please update your git remotes if you have a fork or local repo of Vanilla core.
Assuming you use origin
as your remote name you can run this command with the new URL:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/vanillaforums/vanilla.git
Note: if you're using SSH mode for accessing the code, the url will be git@github.com:vanillaforums/vanilla.git instead
It will actually permanently redirect (we think), so it's not the end of the world for folks who don't see this or can't do it immediately.
Further changes imminent:
We were very fortunate that the owner of the 'vanilla' organization name, Luke Spragg, independently decided to turn over that namespace to us. Therefore we will shortly be moving our repos to be under that name instead of 'vanillaforums'. We'll announce when the change is complete, but it should safely 301 anyway. Thanks Luke!
We are unifying our GitHub bug trackers, including some private ones, to the core vanilla repo. That'll lend greater visibility to issues and make it easier for us to manage our outstanding tasks. This includes shutting down the 'Addons' issue tracker and migrating those issues. All Vanilla-produced code will use the single core tracker.
You can cross-repo reference issues in commit messages using this syntax:
. So, after our rename is complete, you could reference an issue filed on 'vanilla' while coding against 'Addons' by saying "closes vanilla/vanilla#123" in your commit.It is very nice of Luke to do this for Vanilla.
Many good progress and changes.
Warning: Further renames are coming Tuesday May 6.
We will be standardizing on lowercase repo names under the 'vanilla' org and will prefix repos with 'vanilla' to make it clearer what they are if someone forks them.
Example: vanillaforums/Addons will become vanilla/vanillaaddons (or something like that)
These are now the new canonical repos:
Note that I've transferred VanillaPorter to the main GitHub account if you were following along on my account all this time.
Clean as it should look!
That's the first time I've seen (/read?) your readme. Sounds great, but the first "Getting Help" link leads to a blank page
@R_J thanks! The readme was created in conjunction with the 2.1 release.
Look good, thanks for this.