Settings Page Error in Vanilla 2.1
Hi. I just reported this on GitHub too. I just updated to Vanilla 2.1, and I actually did a full reinstall so I downloaded Pockets again and enabled it but when I select 'Settings' I just get a blank white page. I really like this plugin and use it a lot so fixing this would really be appreciated if possible. Thanks for great plugin regardless though.
Use the version of Pockets from GitHub:
The version in the Addons repository here isn't updated yet.
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yes it was pointed out here in 2012
it was understandable before that add-ons were not updated in pre 2.1 stable days.
now it is completely incomprehensible, why they are not updated.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yeah thanks guys. I figured out its best to use GitHub versions for the majority of plugins im using it seems and GitHub Pockets version works great.
Sorry for this naive question but where is the download link on GitHub for Pockets plugin? I went to this page but found no ZIP link
you have to download from here:
and get the whole enchilada.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.