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Embed Codes for Video Media

edited May 2014 in Tutorials

If you want to embed video in your site here are some codes that can help you.

For mp4 .mov 

    <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" 
        codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="136" >
        <param name="src" VALUE="videofilename_mp4.mov" >
        <param name="autoplay" VALUE="true" >
        <embed src="videofilename_mp4.mov" TYPE="image/x-macpaint" 
        pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download" WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="136" AUTOPLAY="true"></embed>

For Windows Media  .wmv

        <object id="MediaPlayer" width="192" height="190" type="video/x-ms-asf">
        <param name="FileName"value="videofilename.wmv">
        <param name="autostart" value="false">
        <param name="ShowControls" value="true">
        <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="false">
        <param name="ShowDisplay" value="false">
        <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="videofilename.wmv" 
        width="192" height="190" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0" ShowDisplay="0" autostart="0" />

For Flash  .swf .flv 

            <object width="550" height="400">
               <param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
               <embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400">

  For AVI          
           <object  data="="/files/videos/video.avi" type="video/avi"  />
            <embed  src="/files/videos/video.avi" />


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