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How do you feel about 'DuckDuckGO community platform'?!

onreaonrea New
edited May 2014 in General Banter

Here you can see the community platform in action:

Source at github

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  • R_JR_J Admin

    I guess it is because I do not have done anything with perl but I didn't found the scripts that do the work. I've found the index controller but that's all...

    But from what I see it is a very basic forum with a modern design. It also has a blog and some translation module but based on the features it is not easy to see why it is called a community platform.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited May 2014

    Rolling your own forum solution is kinda crazy these days (from my biased perspective) with the level of hackability Vanilla provides. They just sunk a bunch of time into a product unrelated to their business that they now need to maintain forever and probably do a painful migration off of one day.

    My day job is rescuing companies from messes like this.

  • @Linc said:
    Rolling your own forum solution is kinda crazy these days

    Would you believe that many "senior consultants" recommend the roll your own approach for almost anything? Forum, ecommerce, social platform, or any web application, just DIY (better without a framework, because "they are all bloated" and with Ruby or Python, "because they are trendy and PHP is not a fun language"). Of course, they expect to be paid by the hour.

  • LincLinc Admin

    The road to mediocrity is paved with hourly consultants.

  • @Linc said:
    The road to mediocrity is paved with hourly consultants.

    I absolutely agree. That's exactly what I think and the reason why I quote costs "by project" whenever possible. Customer knows exactly how much he/she is going to spend and when the project will be delivered, while I can manage my time as I see fit, rather than having to prove that I spent X hours, minutes and seconds working. There's some risk involved (wrong estimates could result in a loss), but also great potential for larger margins and very happy customers. :)

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited May 2014

    There are consultant who try use their software to create dependence. However there are also clients that insist on bespoke solutions, and do not understand the amount of testing required for production software. I even had client drop out becuase I suggested we use an existing framework to build his solution.

    However if you allow the clients to achieve, then there will be a mutual dependence anyway. So if there is a ready solution then I will suggest it.

    Btw there is nothing inherently wrong about being paid by the hour.

    I think PHP is fine.

    I hate anything he tries too hard to fit into a particular ideal. I was a Ruby fan for a while, but actually, there is really far too much frill for my liking.

    Tbh python is a really nice language, in a way the total opposite of ruby idealism. It tends not to bother with pointless frill, the pyhtonist approach is basically like that.

    PHP is popular becuase it is easy for host an webmaster to install and set up, and out of the box, it has most of what you need. This makes it a bit slower than some, but advances in both server capacity/performance, and zend engine means it perform well enough most of the time.

    However IMO the built in modularization in python is far nicer than php's approach. I really like the python module and packages. Also the required indention once you get used to it makes structuring you code a doodle. No more stray or missing brackets.

    That said, it is easy to see why PHP is still popular.

    grep is your friend.

  • BTW some history: Vanilla 1 was basically born of a hand rolled solution.

    Also the decision to develop Garden rather than using a mature framework was pretty ambitious. I understand the reason fro doing it, but there was pain along the way, but you go there in the end.

    grep is your friend.

  • In short if there was little hand rolling, software would be worse off.

    grep is your friend.

  • LincLinc Admin

    @x00 said:
    BTW some history: Vanilla 1 was basically born of a hand rolled solution.

    You're implying bespoke forum solutions are a good plan because 1 time it turned into a business?

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited May 2014

    @Linc said:
    You're implying bespoke forum solutions are a good plan because 1 time it turned into a business?

    Actually yes, I'm implying all those failures and success are good put together.

    People trying stuff is good.

    Competition is good.

    grep is your friend.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited May 2014

    You don't know the reason for them making this solution, maybe it just really floated their boat. They release it, becuase, on the off chance it might be useful.

    Like I said Vanilla 1 was an example of this, and more to a point people asked about it, which is why it was released to the public.

    grep is your friend.

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