How to show Points with Author Meta?

2.1 stable, Bootstrap 2.2.1

I want it to show below user avatar if possible.

Thanks guys!



  • The points are stored in the User table, so you can just hook into the user meta handler and spit out the markup you need. I can't give you any example code since I am mobile.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    The points are stored in the User table, so you can just hook into the user meta handler and spit out the markup you need. I can't give you any example code since I am mobile.

    Didn't manage to do it by myself. I'd appreciate further instructions, whenever you have the time. Thanks a lot!

  • public function DiscussionController_AuthorInfo_Handler($Sender) {
      $Author = $Sender->EventArguments['Author'];
      echo Wrap($Author->Points,'span', array('class' => 'Points Count'));

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

    Thanks for trying my addon!

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  • @hgtonight‌ thanks! Now, the noob question remains.. where should I insert this markup? I don't want to mess anything up.

  • Put it in your own plugin or theme hooks file.

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  • r0obertr0obert
    edited May 2014

    @hgtonight said:
    Put it in your own plugin or theme hooks file.

    I tried creating my first ever plugin, but I get an error message when I try to enable the plugin in the dashboard:
    "There was an error getting the class methods."

    I'm sure I've done something wrong/ or forgot to add some simple line of code.

    class.myplugin.php only has these lines of code:

    if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit(); }
    public function DiscussionController_AuthorInfo_Handler($Sender) {
      $Author = $Sender->EventArguments['Author'];
      echo Wrap($Author->Points,'span', array('class' => 'Points Count'));
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2014

    take the time to look at an actual plugin.

    e.g. this

    if you can follow the same basic idea. this link below has some flaws, but it might give you an understanding.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I managed to do it by pasting the code in the class.hooks.php, it works!

    Thanks @hgtonight‌ & @peregrine (again) for the assistance. I will also try to get the plugin to work by looking at an actual plugin, I'm just curious. Also, for future reference - how do I hook up in the user meta handler to get the markup?

  • I followed an example plugin and this is the code I came up with:

        if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit(); 
        class MyYagaPointsPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
        public function DiscussionController_AuthorInfo_Handler($Sender) {
          $Author = $Sender->EventArguments['Author'];
          echo Wrap($Author->Points,'span', array('class' => 'Points Count'));
        public function Setup() {

    Still not working.

  • edited May 2014

    You did not look at a plugin example close enough...don't know if this will work but it has the missing parts

     <?php if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit();
    //define plugin
    $PluginInfo['nameofplugin'] = array(
    'Name' => 'nameofplugin',   
    'Version' => '1.0',
    'Description' => "A plugin for etc etc.",
    'Author' => "you",
    'AuthorEmail' => '',
     'AuthorUrl' => ''
    class MyYagaPointsPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
     public function DiscussionController_AuthorInfo_Handler($Sender) {
          $Author = $Sender->EventArguments['Author'];
          echo Wrap($Author->Points,'span', array('class' => 'Points Count'));
        public function Setup() {
  • r0obertr0obert
    edited May 2014

    @vrijvlinder‌ actuall I did, but I included the first part of the code in default.php. Should I just get all code together in class.myyagapoints.php instead?

    $PluginInfo['MyYagaPoints'] = array(
       'Description' => 'Display Yaga Points with Author Meta.',
       'Version' => '1.0',
       'Author' => "r0obert",
       'AuthorUrl' => ''
  • Yes it all goes in one file. What else is in the default.php ?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2014

    put it all in default.php OR all in class.myyagapoints.php it will do the same thing (for your plugin)

    either one will work.

    you have two things that are not good

    start with

    <?php if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit();


    <? if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit();

    it is better form to use the standard also remove the closing ?> at the bottom of plugin it can wreck feeds off of you site it you close it it with a ?> and have blank lines.

    I recommend once again to look at this plugin, and follow the format.

    it can't get any simpler than that.


    themehooks works as well. A plugin you can enable quickly and disable and will will work across all themes.
    with themehooks it will only work in themes with that set of themehooks.

    either will work. one is more generalized.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Yes it all goes in one file. What else is in the default.php ?

    if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit(); }
    $PluginInfo['MyYagaPoints'] = array(
       'Description' => 'Display Yaga Points with Author Meta.',
       'Version' => '1.0',
       'Author' => "r0obert",
       'AuthorUrl' => ''
  • edited May 2014

    No you need to use one file, either call it default, or class.MyYagaPointsPlugin.php
    it makes no dif which.

    Just as I posted above without the closing php tag and add the missing bracket in the end
    like I posted it. The only thing different is that and the plugin definition.

    You had two files one was being ignored and the other empty

  • see my comment again and read it, please.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • **Update: Working! **

    Thanks @peregrine @vrijvlinder‌ !

    I simply put all code in a single file, removed the ending ?> and added the <?php and that's about it.

    if(!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit(); }
    $PluginInfo['MyYagaPoints'] = array(
       'Description' => 'Display Yaga Points with Author Meta.',
       'Version' => '1.0',
       'Author' => "r0obert",
       'AuthorUrl' => ''
    class MyYagaPointsPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
    public function DiscussionController_AuthorInfo_Handler($Sender) {
      $Author = $Sender->EventArguments['Author'];
      echo Wrap($Author->Points,'span', array('class' => 'Points Count'));
    public function Setup() {

    Hurrah, my 1st ever plugin lol!

  • now you can upload it if you want.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    now you can upload it if you want.


    And Don't forget to make an icon for it or I will!!

  • yes this plugin has been blessed by hgtonight and peregrine so it is Practically Approved !!

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