error in path


I installed the EventCalendar plugin, but when I click the >> arrow to go to the next month, the path is not correct.
Instead of forum/eventcalendar/2014 it goes to forumeventcalendar/2014 (missing / inbetween)
Can you please fix this, or tell me where to look?
Regards, Dirk


  • R_JR_J Admin

    In /plugins/EventCalendar/views/month.php in line 9 the variable $Domain is set to web root.

    It is used in lines 23, 25, 35 and you could change those lines from ...{$Domain}eventcalendar... to ...{$Domain}/eventcalendar...

    I'll have to test if this is always a solution or just in your setup and I will change the source accordingly. Thanks for your feedback!

  • @R_J said:
    In /plugins/EventCalendar/views/month.php in line 9 the variable $Domain is set to web root.

    It is used in lines 23, 25, 35 and you could change those lines from ...{$Domain}eventcalendar... to ...{$Domain}/eventcalendar...

    I'll have to test if this is always a solution or just in your setup and I will change the source accordingly. Thanks for your feedback!

    As a minor aside @R_J, check out the CombinePaths function in functions.general.php for some easy path concatenation.

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  • R_JR_J Admin

    Maybe I should write those functions names on postits and decorate my screen with them :blush:

  • @R_J post-its on your forehead, then every time you look in the mirror, it will be a reminder.
    would be another aid.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Or maybe I write a skeleton plugin that uses ALL those helper functions! Muahahaha!

  • Or maybe I write a skeleton plugin that uses ALL those helper functions! Muahahaha!

    actually a good idea, I do that kind of stuff. keeps it all in one place. and just cut and paste when you need it with examples.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • If you use NetBeans (or virtually any other PHP IDE), it will be aware of locally scoped functions and class methods.

    Better tools can mean more concise code.

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