Vanilla Forums Bukkit Cross

I have been looking for a simple plugin for that allowes my players to run the command /register email password and it adds an account for that player using their username as the vanillaforums account username. Thanks.
I don't think there is such a plugin. You can look at the Verify Minecraft Username plugin to get started and develop your own or, if you prefer, you can hire one of the many skilled people on this community, who could write one for you.
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As I explained in your other thread, you probably want API access to Vanilla. The only way to get that on OS is to run alpha software (2.2.x) which I don't suggest you do!
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There is api service it is called connect.
grep is your friend.
Are you talking about jsConnect?
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The connect method of the entry controller. jsConnect uses this.
grep is your friend.
Starting a session is simple
but you need to authenticate against an authority, this is where some sleek design consideration come in, such as if to handle registration automatically, like Connect method.grep is your friend.
This is pretty cool!
But this doesn't solve his issue. He is looking to register a user on the forums from a system of authentication he has no control over. AFAIK, bukkit servers still require valid mojang accounts which are authenticated via the installer.
Is it still possible without knowing anything else about your user?
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You can authenticate an email and relate to an account, You can authenticate name link it to an account.
I believe you can use MCAPI for single sign on. Passing around passwords is almost never the solution.
grep is your friend.
I am still confused.
His server doesn't have an authentication system. The client has an authentication system controlled by a third party (Mojang). From his server, he wants to enable users to access his forum.
How would someone log in to his forum this way?
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and? Link the account via the Mindcraft API.
grep is your friend.
If he can't authenticate the session, the he probably shouldn't be getting people to forfeit passwords, in which case, don't, login separately but associate accounts.
grep is your friend.
However some how I doubt where you are in a situation where you can pass passwords between services, you can't determine if they are authenticated.
grep is your friend.
He isn't authenticating users or getting their Mojang passwords.
He wants them to register on his forum. Asking for a username and password is completely acceptable there, right?
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Yep in that case he can use the API to get their username, right?
grep is your friend.
Why would the garden password hash algorithm have any relevance?
grep is your friend.
An assumption I got from my crystal ball says he was looking to just add a record to the GDN_User table and wanted to know what hash to put in the password field.
He is probably already pulling in the username from bukkit considering his example command was
/register email password
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Why not use the
?grep is your friend.
There is also the
hook depening on what he wants to do.grep is your friend.
Hey now, don't conflate the issues.
All I know is he wants to give users a
/register email password
command. Knowing that, the best solution would be POSTing the relevant data to
, no?Search first
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There are a few Bukkit plugins already existing that provide some commands and interface with forum software to white-list players based on if they are registered on a forum first. I'm not sure if there are any Bukkit plugins which allow the users to register from in-game since this way would require more validation.
You can take a look at the already existing Bukkit plugins to see how they work and if they can be extended to support Vanilla and then create a Vanilla plugin to interface with the Bukkit plugin.
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