Any to give users their own selection of homepage layout?



  • I can tell you right now what it is ...

    don't close the first php tag and don't open new ones unless it is to echo something

  • DoyceTDoyceT ✭✭✭

    Okay, I made peregrine's suggested changes to file names and it uploaded.

  • <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); 
    $PluginInfo['CustomHomepage'] = array(
       'Name' => 'Custom Homepage',
       'Description' => 'This plugin allows users to set their own choices for which homepage they will see when they connect to the forum.',
       'Version' => '0.2',
       'Author' => "Doyce Testerman - but really peregrine and hgtonight - plus vrijvlinder for the awesome icon.",
       'AuthorEmail' => '',
       'AuthorUrl' => ''
    class CustomHomepagePlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
    public function UserModel_AfterGetSession_Handler($Sender) {
        $Request = Gdn::Request();
       if($Request->Path() == '') {
       $User = $Sender->EventArguments['User'];
    // override the default controller route temporarily if it has been set
       $Controller = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'DefaultController', FALSE, TRUE);
       if($Controller) {
       Gdn::Router()->SetRoute('DefaultController', $Controller, 'Internal', FALSE);
    public function Gdn_Dispatcher_AfterControllerCreate_Handler($Sender) {
       $User = Gdn::Session()->User;
       $Controller = $Sender->EventArguments['Controller'];
    // override the default layout temporarily if applicable
       switch($Controller->ControllerName) {
       case 'discussionscontroller':
       $DiscussionsLayout = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'DiscussionsLayout', C('Vanilla.Discussions.Layout', NULL), TRUE);
       SaveToConfig('Vanilla.Discussions.Layout', $DiscussionsLayout, array('Save' => FALSE));
       case 'categoriescontroller':
       $CategoriesLayout = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'CategoriesLayout', C('Vanilla.Categories.Layout', NULL), TRUE);
       SaveToConfig('Vanilla.Categories.Layout', $CategoriesLayout, array('Save' => FALSE));
    public function ProfileController_EditMyAccountAfter_Handler($Sender) {
       $User = $Sender->User;
    // Load their current settings
       $Controller = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'DefaultController', FALSE, TRUE);
       $DiscussionsLayout = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'DiscussionsLayout', FALSE, TRUE);
       $CategoriesLayout = $this->GetUserMeta($User->UserID, 'CategoriesLayout', FALSE, TRUE);
    // Save the settings to the form
       $Sender->Form->SetValue('DefaultController', $Controller);
       $Sender->Form->SetValue('DiscussionsLayout', $DiscussionsLayout);
       $Sender->Form->SetValue('CategoriesLayout', $CategoriesLayout);
       $ControllerOptions = array(
       'discussions' => 'Discussion List',
       'categories' => 'Category List'
       $LayoutOptions = array(
       'modern' => T('Modern non-table-based layout'),
       'table' => T('Classic table layout used by traditional forums')
       echo '<li class="Homepage">';
       echo $Sender->Form->Label('Homepage View', 'DefaultController');
       echo $Sender->Form->DropDown('DefaultController', $ControllerOptions, array('IncludeNull' => TRUE));
       echo $Sender->Form->Label('Discussions View', 'DiscussionsLayout');
       echo $Sender->Form->DropDown('DiscussionsLayout', $LayoutOptions, array('IncludeNull' => TRUE));
       $LayoutOptions['mixed'] = T('All categories listed with a selection of 5 recent discussions under each');
       echo $Sender->Form->Label('Categories View', 'CategoriesLayout');
       echo $Sender->Form->DropDown('CategoriesLayout', $LayoutOptions, array('IncludeNull' => TRUE));
       echo '</li>';
    public function UserModel_AfterSave_Handler($Sender) {
       $FormValues = $Sender->EventArguments['FormPostValues'];
       $UserID = val('UserID', $FormValues, 0);
    // Require valid user ID
       if(!is_numeric($UserID) || $UserID <= 0) {
       $DefaultController = val('DefaultController', $FormValues, FALSE);
       if($DefaultController) {
       $this->SetUserMeta($UserID, 'DefaultController', $DefaultController);
       $DiscussionsLayout = val('DiscussionsLayout', $FormValues, FALSE);
       if($DiscussionsLayout) {
       $this->SetUserMeta($UserID, 'DiscussionsLayout', $DiscussionsLayout);
       $CategoriesLayout = val('CategoriesLayout', $FormValues, FALSE);
       if($CategoriesLayout) {
       $this->SetUserMeta($UserID, 'CategoriesLayout', $CategoriesLayout);
       public function OnDisable() {
       return TRUE;
  • DoyceTDoyceT ✭✭✭

    Also incorporated vrij's cleanup of the php tags. Icons and screenshot added.

  • why are you including this

    public function OnDisable() {
    return TRUE;

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I told him to do so ... was it wrong? that makes sure it disables no?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I tested other plugins which were reported to not disable, they did not have it all the other aspects were ok. Name etc. I added it and it disabled. May be a coincidence . Maybe it is unnecessary but I have seen it in several plugins which made me think it was useful function to have.

  • Maybe this one is more useful

    public function OnDisable() { $this->_EmptyCache(); }

    or this one to get rid of the settings too

    public function OnDisable() {

    Mostly this appears in theme hooks look at bittersweet theme hooks

    public function OnDisable() {
          return TRUE;
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014


    remove it and test if you can disable the theme :).

    in a plugin it doesn't matter either way probably.

        public function OnDisable() {
        return TRUE;


    nothing at all.

    other than there is less code.


    only other improvement (nitpicks) for next update time is to remove the extra <?php


    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); ?>        
    $PluginInfo['CustomHomepage'] = array(
     <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); 
      $PluginInfo['CustomHomepage'] = array(

    and to format it so it is indented properly. you can use netbeans for formatting (a free ide).

    nice job. probably not worth the trouble to change unless you add more features.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • DoyceTDoyceT ✭✭✭

    In the interest of getting everything discussed so far included while it's all still fresh, I've removed the extra <?php as well as the code at the end designed to help it disable cleanly (it disables successfully without it).

    Newest version uploaded to the addon page as v 0.2.2.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    another feature should anyone feel up to it that would be cool (I think)

    is to have an additional dropdown

    Text Size Change

    large text
    small text 

    that changes font size in discussion titles and the body of discussion (at the least).

    could probably incorporate selection and add a smalltext.css, largetext.css) if the user selects either one.
    if default is selected do nothing.

    would help older people with ailing eyes and vision impaired people.

    something generic that would work with at least bittersweet theme and default themes that increases font by a percentage (perhaps instead of a number) and decreases fon-size (for people with good eyes who want to see more titles of discussions on the discussion page (without scrolling excessivley).

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited June 2014

    just make a style sheet with this in it

        html,body,div, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, ins, kbd, q,  samp, small, strike, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td{
     or just 
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014


    did you try it? - does it look ok on your themes. when you add it to the bottom of your css.

    which is essentially what an additional css file would do.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited June 2014

    did you try it? - does it look ok on your themes. when you add it to the bottom of your css.

    I tried it here on this forum by adding it to the body css using web inspector. It makes everything 120% larger and looks great !!

    The one other example with all the elements I use with VFonts.

  • I might play. probably need to do some importants if adding to css. changing on web inspector doesn't follow inheritnace of pre-existing css because you've changed the pre-existing css :).

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • You only need to define Setup and Disable functions when you are implementing the plugin interface. Since you are extending the plugin class (which already defines the required interface functions), you don't need to override them.

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  • yes using !important is important to make this work for real . It works with the VFonts plugin.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    just to clarify for me and others @hgtonight

    Is this what you mean

    class ABC implements Gdn_IPlugin {
     needs  Setup and Disable functions
    class DEF  extends Gdn_Plugin {
       doesn't  need Setup and Disable functions

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I guess theme hooks Implement IPlugin and that is why they contain OnDisable True

    You can also see this in old plugins which implement instead of extend so it is not a matter of theme hooks or plugin but how it is used ?


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