WYSIWYG (CLEditor) in 2.1 - interferes with markdown?

Right now, I'm running 2.1 stable, default theme (with minor tweaks) and have WYSIWYG (CLEditor) plugin (version 1.3.1) enabled for user-friendly text formatting.
I've noted that the plugin's description is: "Deprecated in favor of Advanced Editor; this will be its final release."
This makes me wonder if I should switch to a different formatting tool prior to August, when my forums go "gold" (as opposed to now, where it's open to users but sort of in beta, prior to the new academic term starting up).
Also, I've noticed that @peregrine and @hgtonight have mentioned that markdown support is baked right into 2.1 stable, and I love markdown, so I tried simply formatting one of my posts using nothing but markdown, but the forum doesn't seem to do anything with it.
I thought the wysiwyg plugin might be interfering with the forum's native ability to output formatted markdown, so I disabled it, but get the same result.
SO, my question: what do I need to do to get (for example) the text editing options I see at the top of this post (which seem to be a GUI interface for markdown), and if I'm correct in assuming that 2.1 should support markdown natively, what did I do that made it not do that?
(Yes, I know that last question is stupid and impossible for anyone but me to answer - let's go with "What should I do to figure out how I broke markdown support?")
the default editor is html. you need to enable markdown. Each post will retain it original formating.
grep is your friend.
Thanks, @x00 - what's the plugin to enable for markdown? That's the bit I hadn't been able to find, and any of the markdown plugins available via search have notes that read something like "don't bother with this, it's built into 2.1 now."
no plugin
$Configuration['Garden']['InputFormatter'] = 'Markdown';
grep is your friend.
As you were (probably) writing this, I was thinking "I wonder if it's just in the config..."
Actually, this leads to a side question: is there a readme or documentation that I missed, detailing the various 'standard' config options such as (in this case) the 'toggle' between Markdown and Html?
does a pretty good job of documenting 'standard' config options.Search first
Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.
... and I smack my forehead. I'd assumed that file was nothing more than a 'clean' version of the basic config, not something with explanation and comments. Thanks!
Although the core team said the are not going to continuously add the config-defaults.php for obvious reason, so there are many config option whose defaults are in situ.
grep is your friend.
also see this for configs.
and this
and this
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