"Text Editor" of Vanilla

Currently I have just switched from MyBB to Vanilla. But many of my users complained that the Text Editor application of its Vanilla is not "rich".
I themed website to share information, where users often share pictures, and interesting story that contains much information. Users are already accustomed to writing with BBCode. They are happy to modify the text color and size to make their threads are becoming increasingly attractive and pleasant to read.
(While still using MyBB)
I'm confused now, because the display "text editor" in the official website of Vanilla quite different from the version downloaded. I think it would be very useful if the developer from Vanilla to immediately release a new version of Vanilla new Editor.
I also wish there was a reputation system in Vanilla as in MyBB. Especially plugins such as "Member Level" in Vanilla would be very useful to improve the users to be more excited and motivated to join the Forum.
Welcome to the community.
Firstly, to clarify:
Vanilla comes in two main 'flavours' hosted (like this site) or open source self-hosted.
Not all features of forums on Vanilla.com are available in open source.
That said, I'm pretty sure that there are plans for the current text editor (seen here) to be available in a future open source release.
You can enable the buttonbar plugin from the dashboard, which is a pretty good start.
Enable (and customize) Emotify plugin for your smiley needs.
This is the open source badges/reputation plugin:
There are a number of editors to choose from but bbcode is a poor choice of format becuase there is no standard. It is from a bygone era.
I would either use html or markdown for format. Then you decide if you want a WYSIYG or a a markup editor for the particular format.
grep is your friend.
There are a number of wysiwy editors for Vanilla if you have a look in Addons. Last time I tested, I was unable to find one that worked really nicely across all platforms, but I have on my to-do list to check how Wysihtml5 is doing now, as it has been updated very recently.
If it works for you, maybe you could let us know?
CLeditor might be another one to try, although I think that doesn't handle Ipads very well. http://vanillaforums.org/addon/cleditor-plugin
It would be, except it isn't compatible with 2.1 so it's completely non-functional. Therefore, it will be in the next release (2.3).