Mini's Missing Again

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Since the launch, he's missing all the action. Probably not gonna show untill minivanilli's all done!


  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    He's on holiday, back tomorrow I believe! :-)

    But yeah, it's been rather busy around here lately hasn't it? Even I'm struggling to keep up with all of these threads, so it must be a nightmare for Mark and the other code pros!
  • Mark's gone too :D
  • Hah, Hi guys, *just* walked through the door and picked up my mail and email and lussumo. Looks like you guys been having fun. Cant wait to catch up on a week of hyperactivity. I knew mark was gonna release the day i went away. Bitch.

    Glad to see you.
  • Hmmm... 8 pages of discussions. *cracks knuckles.
  • You can do it. Put on a pot of coffee or something...

    I know you usually read everything, but are you really going to try and catch up on ALL the happenings here? INSANE!
  • Yeah, I had planned to. Naively i thought it'd only be 5 pages or so (was 3.5 last time i went away for a week i believe) but I've got plenty of free time coming up... It might just take me a while longer than usual.
  • Good luck. Many of them are small anyway, just simple or repeat help requests and that type of thing.
  • Right, It's 4am, 1 page down, 6.5 to go. If anyone dares post anything before i drag myself out of bed tomorrow morning to continue I'll....

    *crawls upstairs.
  • Why, that sounds like a challenge!
  • minivanilli? are people willing to read large quantities of text on a mobile screen? is it worth the trouble as you dont have option to reply? what are the limits (A4 of infomation)? people text like crazy with SMS but I'm not sure that they are willing to read anything else than very personal messages on their mobile screens.
  • Minivanilli is a theme based on the old o8 forums (I'm not sure if you'll have heard of them and you've almost undoubtedly never used them (your name doesnt ring a bell, anyway) but i loved them to bits) which mark made a while ago and i requested he update it to work with v1 as a return for my donation to his macbook (since this entire forum software clearly isnt enough! (he was gonna do it anyway, and i donated regardless)) In any case i'm still hanging tight, and it certainly wont stop me using this community. I have page 1 and 2 clear now. I'm off for lunch.
  • ToivoToivo New
    edited July 2006
    so minivanilli DOESNT equal theme to use in your mobile phone? I thought the name had something to do with 'opera mini' The coin has other side too. I read my feeds on a 'full posts' mode. Vanilla discussion page has only headlines and search for all commets by date shows only three or four lines of each post. It would be nice to have <i>LargeVanilla</i> theme with full posts and <i>SmallVanilla</i> for small devices like your PDA or mobile. Or should these be named as FullPlateVanilla (c) and DietVanilla (c)?
  • I've made a slight start creating a vanilla theme for handhelds, called Vanillin. However, I'm waiting for Opera for the Nintendo DS. My mobile phone can handle webpages, but does it very clunky, so I don't much feel like working on it for that one (and with the DS I can surf for free (using my home broadband connection), something I can't do with my mobile phone). I am planning on having a very scaled down theme, with much less data on the pages. I think it would need either a per-user theme switching extension (so people can switch from handheld theme to normal, depending on what they are using to view the forum), or some kind of sniffer extension to see what people are using, and switch the theme based on that.
  • twttr is nice project too, you should take a look at it. oh, about sniffer. if I use webpage by handheld or mobile, will it show useragent? I had no idea.
  • bjrn, i'm really looking forward to your theme.
  • any progress bjrn? or some 1\2 solution
  • edited July 2006
    Not very much. With the holiday and the extreme heat, I haven't done much. And I'm going away for a few weeks to Sweden on Wednesday. I'm sorry if you got the impression I was working hard on getting a version out. I'm afraid I can't tell you much news; I've looked around the default theme a bit, and scaled it down, so I'm using HTML 4.01 Strict now, and have removed all optional tags I could (there are </li>s in Framework.Class.PageList.php, which I'm of course not touching). And at the moment, the discussions page is a third the size of the default theme (size as in download size).

    The discussions list currently looks like this.

    If people are interested perhaps I'll add some commented out things in the theme, so people can easily add more info to the discussions page if they want. But again, I probably won't touch it for the new few weeks.
  • bjrn, has anything more been done on this since then? I know it's a long time ago, but I am looking at ways to get my vanilla install working on mobile devices, like PSP, and I hoped your work might be a step towards achieving that.
  • Oh, right, not very much, but with this competition going now, perhaps I should give it a go. I have found one mobile phone emulator, so I'll probably test it a bit with that, but I'm not sure I can get it working with PSP straight off (you never know what kind of crazy browser quirks these handhelds have).
  • Yeah i know what you mean. But building something fairly bare-bones, and the using javascript to detect user-agents could solve that issue. But yeah, if you get back into it, keep us updated?!
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