Positive/Negative class names


For the theme I'm having to make for a client at the moment, he wants the counts colour coded so that positive reactions have a green count, and negative red. I've added a class name to do this myself, however I have to re-apply these changes after each update, which is a little annoying. I could see this functionality being useful to others, so I was wondering if there was any possibility of this being included in a future update?

Here is the code I am currently using for it
// /yaga/library/functions.render.php - Starting from line 22 foreach($Reactions as $Action) { if(CheckPermission($Action->Permission)) { $CountString = ($ShowCount && $Action->Count) ? $Action->Count : ''; $Alignment = ( $Action->AwardValue > 0 ? ' ReactPositive' : ' ReactNegative' ); // Code Added $ActionsString .= Anchor( Wrap(' ', 'span', array('class' => 'ReactSprite React-' . $Action->ActionID . ' ' . $Action->CssClass)) . WrapIf($CountString, 'span', array('class' => 'Count')) . Wrap($Action->Name, 'span', array('class' => 'ReactLabel')), 'react/' . $Type . '/' . $ID . '/' . $Action->ActionID, array( 'class' => 'Hijack ReactButton' . $Alignment, // Code Added 'title' => $Action->Tooltip) ); } }

Thanks :)


  • Thanks for using my addon!

    You can currently modify the CSS class for actions in the dashboard. When editing an action, click on the advanced options label and append your desired class after the current class.

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  • I guess you hear it quite often, but I think I haven't said it by now: that application is a versatile masterpiece!

  • SudoCatSudoCat New
    edited August 2014

    Yeah true, it was just much easier to hardcode it as the client is yet to set up their desired reactions.

    @R_J said:
    I guess you hear it quite often, but I think I haven't said it by now: that application is a versatile masterpiece!

    I have to agree with you there, probably the best piece of code I've seen for Vanilla yet.

    EDIT: I'm starting to think the only users on this forum are you two and peregrine!

  • @hgtonight‌ Also I'm not sure if this is just for me, but there appears to be a closing div missing somewhere within YAGA. When I enable the plugin, my #Panel moves inside of my #Content. For the time being I've added an extra to the dashboard/view/profile/index.php

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited August 2014

    @SudoCat said:
    hgtonight‌ Also I'm not sure if this is just for me, but there appears to be a closing div missing somewhere within YAGA. When I enable the plugin, my #Panel moves inside of my #Content. For the time being I've added an extra

    to the dashboard/view/profile/index.php

    I am very interested in finding bugs like this.

    • What theme are you using?
    • What page do you notice it on?
    • What modules are in the panel?

    Also, thanks for the kind words :)

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  • SudoCatSudoCat New
    edited August 2014



    Custom Theme; However it can be replicated within the default theme: If you change
    <div class="Column PanelColumn" id="Panel"> {module name="MeModule"} {asset name="Panel"} </div> <div class="Column ContentColumn" id="Content">{asset name="Content"}</div>
    <div class="Column ContentColumn" id="Content">{asset name="Content"}</div> <div class="Column PanelColumn" id="Panel"> {module name="MeModule"} {asset name="Panel"} </div>
    (i.e. move the panel to after the content)


    Viewing profile (e.g. http://vanillaforums.org/profile/54556/SudoCat )

    Panel Modules

    Error persists with all other addons disabled. Only modules are the Photo and ProfileFilters.

  • You found a bug in the Reaction Count display. The fix is on GitHub in this commit. It will be included in the next release.

    Thanks for helping me make my addon better!

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  • @hgtonight said:
    Thanks for helping me make my addon better!

    Not a problem! Glad to try and contribute to the community :)

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