Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
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Argh!!! User in denial is denied using Vanilla Forum
Hello (and your response to that is probably all that I am going to understand).
In May I upgraded to Vanilla 2.1. Everything seems to go fine and the forum ran perfectly. (ran being the operative word) Recently there were a few occasions where an error message would pop up while entering the forum ... "Something Has Gone Wrong".
I cleared the cache but to no avail. It's the same message.
First, any help is and will be appreciated. Where do I start? (duh)
And of freaking course as soon as I ask for help it comes back up!
It's a recurring issue and needs to be addressed. Still courting assistance, if you please.
Please enable debugging by adding
$Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
to your/conf/config.php
file.Search first
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Thank you, I hope I did this correctly ...
Also, why is there reference to the old Vanilla version? Is that an issue since the upgrade to 2.1?
$Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
Thank You!
OK, getting something I've not seen before, I believe it is your debugging script trying to tell me something ...
Debug Trace
Info Need to re-index theme cache
Info Need to re-index plugin cache
Info CommentModel->PageWhere()
Comment.Page.30.7.1025: false
Info CommentModel->CachePageWhere()
Comment.Page.30.7.1025: array (
0 => '2014-08-14 02:06:40',
That is normal. By the sounds of it is and even or load trigger. So you need to catch error when it happens. Probably best setting up error logs. So you don't have to wait.
grep is your friend.
That's Great! (I think?) I am a newer than noob noobie.
So, I go about doing that how?
Some days it's your turn to be a cat in a full sandbox. Today is my turn.