Please delete this if you feel it's improper or placed in the wrong venue, but since reading Peregrine's post yesterday I've given some thought to donation. Donation is hit and miss so there has to be an enticement.
Personally, I appreciate the fact that Vanilla is free. I also appreciate the work that goes into keeping current and supporting a product, especially writing code. It isn't easy and if it was then everyone would do it .. but they don't. Cuz they can't.
So, I believe there is a market (soft sell) for a Maintenance Package. Would I donate 10 or 20 dollars a year to have someone take care of Vanilla issues? You bet. I'm thinking others would too.
Pain In The Ass Disclaimer
Some people are impossible to work with.
End of Disclaimer
So, I'm not a PITA. I am a user ignorant in the ways of maintaining our forum. All I need is for someone to fine tune the system and have a look when she's acting up, and help with upgrades.
My philosophy .. It's working so I'm not messing with it. (other than a banner change now and then)
Lemme know if this interests you folks. (and I'll only respond to the 5 people above this post)
I've thought of this as well. A maintenance kind of package, but not for the price you suggest (unless there was a limit on the hours I expend). in other words it is not an insurance policy, but a best effort to solve problem. If anyone wants to discuss further, feel free to pm me.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Would I donate 10 or 20 dollars a year to have someone take care of Vanilla issues? You bet. I'm thinking others would too.
If you think slavery is ok or you feel some kind of entitlement. The purpose for this software being free and open is not so you can find people to take care of your vanilla issues.
The purpose is to encourage development around the framework and inside the framework.
The minimum wage per hour for menial work that does not require any kind of preparation is between 5 and 10 dollars an hour in the USA and about 6 dollars a day in Mexico. That will amount to more than 10 or 20 dollars a year no matter how you look at it.
For people who want others to take care of vanilla issues, they use the Hosted Solution where the people who craft for Vanilla take care of the issues for you. That is most definitely more than 10 or 20 a year.
You are looking at volunteers here. Some people are on a restricted income and they are the ones who contribute the most and solve the most problems. Those people deserve the most amount of rewards for their input.
It is an insult to behave with avarice and minimize the countless hours, years of preparation to be able to create for others programs and such. That shows no appreciation at all.
Please delete this if you feel it's improper or placed in the wrong venue, but since reading Peregrine's post yesterday I've given some thought to donation. Donation is hit and miss so there has to be an enticement.
Personally, I appreciate the fact that Vanilla is free. I also appreciate the work that goes into keeping current and supporting a product, especially writing code. It isn't easy and if it was then everyone would do it .. but they don't. Cuz they can't.
So, I believe there is a market (soft sell) for a Maintenance Package. Would I donate 10 or 20 dollars a year to have someone take care of Vanilla issues? You bet. I'm thinking others would too.
Pain In The Ass Disclaimer
Some people are impossible to work with.
End of Disclaimer
So, I'm not a PITA. I am a user ignorant in the ways of maintaining our forum. All I need is for someone to fine tune the system and have a look when she's acting up, and help with upgrades.
My philosophy .. It's working so I'm not messing with it. (other than a banner change now and then)
Lemme know if this interests you folks. (and I'll only respond to the 5 people above this post)
I've thought of this as well. A maintenance kind of package, but not for the price you suggest (unless there was a limit on the hours I expend). in other words it is not an insurance policy, but a best effort to solve problem. If anyone wants to discuss further, feel free to pm me.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
If you think slavery is ok or you feel some kind of entitlement. The purpose for this software being free and open is not so you can find people to take care of your vanilla issues.
The purpose is to encourage development around the framework and inside the framework.
The minimum wage per hour for menial work that does not require any kind of preparation is between 5 and 10 dollars an hour in the USA and about 6 dollars a day in Mexico. That will amount to more than 10 or 20 dollars a year no matter how you look at it.
For people who want others to take care of vanilla issues, they use the Hosted Solution where the people who craft for Vanilla take care of the issues for you. That is most definitely more than 10 or 20 a year.
You are looking at volunteers here. Some people are on a restricted income and they are the ones who contribute the most and solve the most problems. Those people deserve the most amount of rewards for their input.
It is an insult to behave with avarice and minimize the countless hours, years of preparation to be able to create for others programs and such. That shows no appreciation at all.
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