SphinxSearch install error: "Cannot find data path location" in sphinx.conf

I'm trying to install the SphinxSearch plugin (version 20140114) on Vanilla 2.1.3, and I've already installed Sphinx 2.2.4 on my VPS.
I'm getting stuck in the plugin's install wizard at Step 2, when it asks to paste "full text of existing contents of sphinx.conf". It throws an error: Cannot find data path location defined inside of configuration text. Here's a screenshot.
For the "existing contents of sphinx.conf", I'm using /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf. Here are the contents of that file.
Am I supposed to manually configure this sphinx.conf file before running the plugin installer? If so, does anyone have any example configurations?
I think I'm probably missing something really obvious, but I followed @mcu_hq's instructions as closely as I could, and I'm still getting stuck. Any ideas?
Many thanks to @mcu_hq for this awesome plugin... can't wait to get it running!
IIRC, I had to fill out the db information before it would work for me.
Try filling out the top part of your sphinx.conf to include that.
Also, here is a paste of my configuration: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XAPyRYFL
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because sphinxsearchservice is looking for - and errorchecking against
preg_match("#\bpath\s+=\s+(.*\bdata\b)\b#", $Content, $Matches);
and you don't have the word "data" in your path. (for some reason it is always expecting a path with the word "data" in it).
I suspect if you have a writeable folder /var/lib/sphinx/data
and change path it should install properly.
you could also manually build.
I tested manual install with
SphinxSearch plugin (version 20140114) on Vanilla 2.1.3, and I've already installed Sphinx 2.2.4
and it installs if path contains a "data" folder).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@hgtonight and @peregrine, great advice, many thanks. I added the DB info to the top and added 'data' to the path, and got the plugin installed.
Unfortunately I still can't seem to get Sphinx itself running. Both indexer and searchd failed to start up. Here's the error from calling
/usr/bin/indexer --all --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf
[dropbox link]. Running/usr/bin/searchd --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf
produced a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error.I searched around on this forum and elsewhere, to no avail. Any clues much appreciated!
Segementation fault - means your program is trying to access memory it shouldn't.
like I said you may want to compile it yourself from source.
then run a basic test as explained in sphinx documentation on sphinx site,
any errors with basic test? with original sphinx.conf.
you don't need to add anything to the conf - the sphinx plugin builds the proper conf file. (provided the data folder is there in your distribution sphinx.conf).
you should test the original sphinx.conf from your distribution (just make sure it has data in path name.) again a simple sphinx test on the sphinx site documentation.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
also check here:
and post on sphinxsearch.com
if you still get segmentation faults with basic test.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
wow, awesome job @peregrine . Yea, the default sphinx places a folder called, "data", for the indexes which the plugin needs. It is probably an oversight to always look for that word since some people may custom edit the paths. I haven't looked at sphinx in a while...the default paths may have changed.