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Forced profile update

Like the title says: is there a way to force registered users to (one time) update their profile ? Vanilla 2.1.


  • to do what?

    grep is your friend.

  • I've installed the extend profile fields plugin and made some fields mandatory upon registration, I'd like existing users to update these fields aswell.

  • Put a message up asking users to do it?

    Or do you want to remove their permissions until they do it?

    How many users are we talking about?

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  • I would just redirect to the edit profile page on signin - untested, as I'm not at home:

    Base_AfterSignIn_Handler($Sender) {
        $Session = Gdn::Session();
        $Meta = Gdn::UserMetaModel()->GetUserMeta($Session->UserID, 'Profile.YourField');
        if ($Meta['Profile.YourField'])
        $Session->Stash('SetProfileField', true);
    ProfileController_Render_Before($Sender) {
        if (Gdn::Session()->Stash('SetProfileField'))
            $Sender->InformMessage('Please edit YourField.');
  • Thanks a lot ! I will try that. @hgtonight, I have about 1100 users. To get the idea: I want the users to complete their profile because the added info shows up right after the profile-links. See link above.

  • @bleistivt I put that code into a plugin and it works more or less. Problem is in the Bootstrap theme I think. I get a sort of overlay with the settings after login. Is it possible to open the redirect in a new tab ? I experimented a bit with javascript but couldn't get it to work.

  • Instead of Redirect('profile/edit'); you can try echo '<script>"', Url('/profile/edit'), '","_blank")</script>';

  • Add this after line 6 in what I posted:

    $this->AddDefinition('CheckPopup', true);
  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator
    edited October 2014

    or... scratch that and replace line 7 with this


    I can't test this right now but will later if it doesn't work.

  • Thanks all, did some testing:


    The "UserModel" object does not have a "xTarget" method.|UserModel|xTarget|

    $this->AddDefinition('CheckPopup', true);

    The "RedirectProfilePlugin" object does not have a "xAddDefinition" method.|RedirectProfilePlugin|xAddDefinition

    The javascript solution produces no output nor does it redirect

  • @piotrnl said:
    The javascript solution produces no output nor does it redirect

    Is there any error message in the console?

    Or is the html source of the "no output" simply the script tag? If that is the case try this: echo '<html><head></head><body onload="\'', Url('/profile/edit'), '\',\'_blank\');"</body></html>';

    Not sure if I escaped everything right, though... If it does not work, please post the source of the blank page

  • it better to use a redirect becuase you can't guarantee you will be able to open a new tab or window. That is the sort of thing that can be blocked by a browser settings especially automated.

    grep is your friend.

  • InformMessage is a good solution, if it not displaying properly this is a cosmetic problem.

    grep is your friend.

  • Another solution would be to use on of the view hooks to display and info box

    grep is your friend.

  • <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    $PluginInfo['RedirectProfile'] = array(
        'Name' => 'RedirectProfile',
        'Description' => '',
        'Version' => '1',
        'Author' => 'Bleistivt',
    class RedirectProfilePlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
        public function Base_AfterSignIn_Handler($Sender) {
            $Session = Gdn::Session();
            $Meta = Gdn::UserMetaModel()->GetUserMeta($Session->UserID, 'Profile.YourField');
            if ($Meta['Profile.YourField'])
            $Session->Stash('SetProfileField', true);
            Gdn::Controller()->Form->SetFormValue('Target', Url('profile/edit'));
        public function ProfileController_Render_Before($Sender) {
            if (Gdn::Session()->Stash('SetProfileField'))
                $Sender->InformMessage('Please edit YourField.');
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