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Custom Discussion Fields - Willing to hire! :)

jakeishjakeish New
edited October 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all!

I'm launching Vanilla for a new project and community I'm working on. I'm still pretty new to it, but so far I love it. I just have a feature that I absolutely need and I can't figure out how to do on my own - custom discussion fields!

Here's the functionality I'm looking for:
1: Ability to add custom fields input fields when starting a new discussion

1a: Nice to have: Ability to add and edit fields, label, and input type from admin backend. But not totally necessary as fields won't change often for my purpose. (see ProfileExtender for example)

2: Display that custom field content as part of the discussion. I'm an experienced front-end developer so I can take care of HTML and styling myself.

3: Ability for that information to be edited or updated by moderators

For another example, here's a plugin that adds custom discussion fields, although they're hardcoded in and saved as tags:

As I mentioned, I'm a front-end dev but plug-in development isn't my forte. I'd love to have this plugin developed and I'd really love for it to be quality enough that it can be released to the entire community. But I'm willing to fund development and I'd love to get this thing done.

Those are my specs. Are they clear enough? We can chat costs via direct message or the like.


  • So you want "DiscussionExtender"?

    Discussions only, or Comments too?

    Shoot me a PM if you like.

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  • Essentially, yes. Discussions only for my purpose, but I'm curious how much adding comments as well would increase the scope of the project.

    Either way, shooting you a PM now.

  • +1 for this.

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