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    @mini: not for me its not. on MANY sites, I have come to know it as a reverse bounty. It sounds much nicer, and not so commercial. so NER! (kidding)
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    I don't like the idea of putting on a list of wanted extensions/updates and then have to pay for it, I think we should continue on the current road of pitching ideas to Mark and he decides what to develope without us pressuring him to move to a certain direction, god dammit it is his program and we use it. It's like I would be creating a rts game and someone came to me and says "make a fps shooter with big guns and half baked plot and I give you some money" so would I do the game that I don't want to do and do the game for him? I'm making the game for myself and if people tend to like it it's great. Just typical consumet mentality, they think that we develope software and games for THEM, for THEM to enjoy, and totally ignore our own dreams and visions. ps. sorry, I didn't want to offend anyone with that, it's just a frustrated game developers rant
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    i was looking thru the code to see if i could figure out a way to make the thumbs generate automagically, just upload looking at the page in filebrowser, rather than have a separate place to go to make them. that way there would never be a 'thumbnail not available' .. just a bit of a delay the first time its made. :)
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    edited February 2007
    Recursive thumbnail generation would still be great. *nudge*
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