Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
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Taking over and need help!

Hello! I'm migrating a board for a client and the files I was passed from the original host says that the Conversations Version is 2.2.5. I'm confused. Is this the Vanilla version number or just the version of a plugin?
to find the version of vanilla - look in the Tutorials that says - "how to find version of vanilla."
then - report back on that. could be vanilla is 2.2.5 and 2.2.5 is an older branch of 2.2.x
more than likely 2.2.5 does not have the security fixes in it.
2.1.x and odd-numbers is the recommended versioning to use for you if you are self-hosting.
suggest using vanilla 2.1.3
not sure if you can move from 2.2.x to 2.1.x (never tried it). You would need to experiment after carefully backing up and report back.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Looks like it really is 2.2.5.
So how did the previous provider get 2.2.5 if 2.1.3 is stable current release?
Secondly why would they use that version instead of stable. Is it possible they did it because of a plugin? To my knowledge they only used the likes and quotes plugins.
Lastly you mention a security fix to 2.1.x would there not be a patch for 2.2.x?
They installed the wrong version. If you are going to use the open source version please use 2.1.3
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
why would somebody do something? I don't know , because they didn't know what they were doing, or because they knew what they were doing, despite recommendations against.
anything's possible - best to ask the person who did it, then people who had no part in it.
like I said: for people unfamiliar with vanilla - it is best not to use something that is not supported by the community or recommended against.
your answers are in see
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks for the replies. It doesn't come as a surprise that the wrong path was chosen here. That is the reason I was asked to help out.
Peregrine I was simply asking for an educated guess. Often times there are reasons for using one version over another (perhaps for need of a plugin as mentioned). I hope that line of questioning didn't come across as accusatory. I'm sure you can understand someones confusion when they step in to a situation and find a higher version number than is mentioned in any of the setup documents. The article you linked to did indeed answer all my versioning questions, so thank you for that.
Now how am I going to clean up this mess!?
I guess the best thing to try is install 2.1.3 and import my DB and see if it all still works?
That did not work...!
Going to walk away for a bit but there is nothing in the apache error logs to give me a hint. Just a sad face page saying something has gone wrong. Will look for logging facilities when I get back. Any tips appreciated!
yes api, or bootstrap were other reasons, besides not knowing what one is doing, or simply choosing what one thinks is better (for possibly the wrong reasons).
But at the present time 2.1.3 is the recommended version. Some developers run 2.2.x master, but unless you are willing to support yourself, troubleshoot yourself, and possibly have plugin incompatibilities, best to stick with 2.1.3.
1) delete the ini files in cache.
2) make sure the conf , uploads and cache folders are writeable.
3) you could also delete the php files in cache/Smarty/compile (not sure it that will do much though).
I assume you just copied the vanilla 2.1.3 source over the existing source,
try running a few times or 7 times
as well as /utility/structure (but update should run /utility/structure anyway.)
also see
and delete the ini files in cache.
it may be that it is not easy to go backwards, but then again, it might be as simple as a few things above.
also look at
and you might want to edit config.php and disable all plugins by changing true to false, except (DO NOT touch the line with htmlawed in it)
and change the theme to
$Configuration['Garden']['Theme'] = 'default';
you might want to post your config.php (take out the sensitive password info, keys, and salts, email etc.
It may be you need to tweak the database structure. since I don't run 2.2.x I don't know.
But, if you are successful. You will probably help others, when you post your steps, and how you succeeded.
you can also change temporarily
and if need be change index.php line 21
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
when you run into errors. - explain what you did, what you got in terms of error message after you turn debug on on in config.php - better then "did not work".
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I think I got it working. Will post more in the morning. Been a long day.
I just wanted to say, welcome to the community!
Most people that use the 2.2.x branch were looking to use the API application. I can't think of any other major features that are in 2.2.x not in 2.1.3, but I am sure I am missing some stuff.
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Ok....So here is the run down so far. I installed 2.1.3 in it's own folder. I then pointed it to the DB which was loaded from a dump taken from the live instance of 2.2.5. Flushed out the cache and updated config.php to match plugins, db connector, themes etc. Copied the 2 plugins that were deemed necessary by the client (LikeThis and Quotes).
95% works.
Only problem that is obvious is the LikeThis plugin. So I tried downloading the latest release of the plugin and using that. Different error but still errors.
So now it's dig time. First error is that it is referencing an undefined variable on line 81:
$Src .= '<i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i><span class="likes">' .$CountLikes. sprintf($CountLikes>1?T(' Likes'):T(' Like')).'</span> ';
I've changed to:
$Src = '<i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i><span class="likes">' .$CountLikes. sprintf($CountLikes>1?T(' Likes'):T(' Like')).'</span> ';
(create instead of append...I don't see any reason to append in that chunk of code)
And then get a spew of this:
Line 221 is:
219: $Session = Gdn::Session(); 220: $User = $Session->User; 221: $UID = $User->UserID;
This one is a bit of a stumper though since I know nothing about how sessions and user objects work in Vanilla.
Why doesn't the plugin "just work"? It claims to be for version 2.0.18+ which I am. And v 1.1 seems to have been written for the 2.1 branch. Although it is unverified and maybe this is why?
Any tips?
if without likethis plugin. everything works great you successfully have gone to 2.1.3
if you have a problem with plugin. you can go to the plugin in the add-ons section and choose ask a question.
some plugins will produce notices (not fatal errors) and still work fine. It is great to get rid of notices, but if you can't and the plugin works. just turn off debugging and revert to original index.php if you changed it to display errors.
you can also go here,
if you turn off debugging notice errors for plugins will not be displayed, and if you have no fatal errors and things work correctly you are probably ok.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes without the plugin it works just fine.
I have solved the problems and even the plugin now works. The first error I believe is still important but the second happens because I wasn't logged in. Once I'm logged in it errors on a different line but that line seems to be unused and can safely be removed.
So I think I'm up and running. Still having the client run through testing...
Thanks for all the help! Happy to know there are people here able to answer some questions. Hopefully smooth sailing from here on out!
all this does is find the userid of the person logged in.
if the person isn't logged in $UID will be 0.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Did you enable the plugin via the dashboard?
to make sure any db changes are applied.Search first
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hgtonight: I did run that before downloading the authoritative plugin. Everything is working now though. Just a little confusion over the errors appearing which is now gone.