remove vanilla from local machine to host
ver. 2.1.5
I take all files (core + plugins) + SQL dump from local machine
at host create SQL base (same user name, same name of SQL) and do import from local SQL
modify config (new pass)
copy all files to host (and delete all ini files in cache)
see error: Something has gone wrong.
what is wrong? I do it many times with Wordpress and it was OK.
local machine - win 7 + xampp, host - unix
see phpMyAdmin - all imported tables have names: gdn_*
and should be GDN_*???
caps is the problem?
example table in SQL at unix-host:
same table in SQL at Win7 local machine with XAMPP:
and after removing site from local to site - nothing works. what can I fix it?
Why are you bringing over your local DB?
Does it have any 'live' data?
You need to
as per:
to see what the actual error is.
error text: Table 'vanilla.gdn_User' doesn't exist
bu I have it
What do you have in your local machine db that you need in your live install?
I have forming full forum tree + have create user groups and roles with fulltext description
I have forming full forum tree + have create user groups and roles with fulltext description
You van use the Vanilla porter:
-Install a new forum on host
-Export the local database with vanilla porter.
-Import the Vanilla Porter Database in the dashboard of the host.
Sorry For english errors, i'm french.
I wouldn't suggest using the porter. The porter is for changing from another forum system to Vanilla. Ancillary information may be lost using the porter to go from Vanilla 2 to Vanilla 2.
Create an export via PHPmyAdmin and edit the table names to match the casing of the tables at your webhost. This will make sure you don't lose any information.
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no, you don't your upper and lower case is off. rename the tables to what they need to be.
phpmyadmin shows 'vanilla.gdn_user not vanilla.gdn_User
rename all your tables properly so all the cases match up.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.