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"There was an error performing your request. Please try again" when reply a private message

As say the title, the error happened when someone reply private message, but after update to the latest vanilla version (2.1.5) the error continue but now only appear a blank error frame but i suppose that's the same error
well you know how to debug blank screens by now, don't you? it is in the faq and troubleshooting instructions.
it may be a different message, but you won't know for sure, until you debug.
please try again, occasionally happens, if things are too busy, happens on this forum as well.
if you always get the message, then tats a different story.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
sorry is not a black screen, is a blank error frame..., I suposse that is the same error because the debuger plugin dont show any strange after and before the update.
Before update error:

After update error

try changing editor plugin to buttonbar and see if you have the same error.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I've tried and still get the same error
and posting comments in discussions works. correct?
Do private messages always fail?
what theme?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Is a random error, but after the last update happens in 90% of times, the message is sent but the user doesn't see that the message was sended and try send again
The error only happend with the private message...
The theme is Bootstrap.
maybe someone else will have an answer. I have seen this happen when site is really busy on vanilla forums itself. But I don't know why you see it only for private messages and not for other things on your site.
maybe someone else will have some insights.
perhaps looking console post and headers, etc. might provide insights.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
The trick is to inspect the actual request that is causing the error. Open the network panel on your browser's dev tools and use the site until you notice the error happen. Then inspect the offending request to see what is being reported.
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Server timeout issues ? I have experienced this on occasion
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The strange thing is that it not happens with all users and only happens with the private messages...
I checked what it says @hgtonight and have found a 500 Internal error server I don't understand because this not happens for all users, there are users with whom I keep private conversations without the error, but there are others where the error is persistent throughout the conversation
An internal server error could be anything. Now you should check your server error log and hopefully find some more information.
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check your .htaccess and rewrite rules. maybe the rules have some kind of edge case as well as what hgtonight said.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks all for the help and sorry for delay to respond... I found the error was due by the plugin BetterNotifications, @hgtonight gave the solution this post:
I think the error is already solved...