@Linc said:
peregrine OK, would you please file this as an issue? This should be fixed via the structure file & tested before and after with a full upgrade. I don't recall if the Tagging tables are core in 2.0.18 but that's a consideration too - whether the plugin is enabled.
when I saw the error
tagging was enabled in 2.0.18 and was disabled prior to upgrade and yes it is in the core in 2.0.18
This change broke a custom plug-in I have. The plug-in does $SQL->Where('d.ScriptID IS NULL'); on DiscussionModel_BeforeGet_Handler. The result is:
PDO Statement failed to prepare
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? order by d.DateLastComment desc limit 30' at line 6
The error occurred on or near: /www/greasyforum/library/database/class.database.php
289: if (!is_null($InputParameters) && count($InputParameters) > 0) {
290: $PDOStatement = $this->Connection()->prepare($Sql);
292: if (!is_object($PDOStatement)) {
293: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('PDO Statement failed to prepare', $this->ClassName, 'Query', $this->GetPDOErrorMessage($this->Connection()->errorInfo())), E_USER_ERROR);
294: } else if ($PDOStatement->execute($InputParameters) === FALSE) {
295: trigger_error(ErrorMessage($this->GetPDOErrorMessage($PDOStatement->errorInfo()), $this->ClassName, 'Query', $Sql), E_USER_ERROR);
296: }
297: } else {
[/www/greasyforum/library/database/class.database.php:293] PHP::trigger_error();
[/www/greasyforum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:1650] Gdn_Database->Query();
[/www/greasyforum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:674] Gdn_SQLDriver->Query();
[/www/greasyforum/applications/vanilla/models/class.discussionmodel.php:348] Gdn_SQLDriver->Get();
[/www/greasyforum/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:136] DiscussionModel->GetWhere();
[/www/greasyforum/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:136] DiscussionsController->Index();
[/www/greasyforum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:350] PHP::call_user_func_array();
[/www/greasyforum/index.php:46] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Variables in local scope:
[Sql] 'select d2.*, discussionaboutitem.default_name as `DiscussionAboutName`, w.UserID as `WatchUserID`, w.DateLastViewed as `DateLastViewed`, w.Dismissed as `Dismissed`, w.Bookmarked as `Bookmarked`, w.CountComments as `CountCommentWatch`
from GDN_Discussion d
join GDN_Discussion d2 on d.DiscussionID = d2.DiscussionID
left join scripts discussionaboutitem on d.ScriptID = discussionaboutitem.id
left join GDN_UserDiscussion w on w.DiscussionID = d2.DiscussionID and w.UserID = 1
where d.ScriptID IS :dScriptID
order by d.DateLastComment desc
limit 30'
[InputParameters] array (
':dScriptID' => NULL,
[Options] array (
'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',
[ReturnType] 'DataSet'
[PDOStatement] false
@JasonBarnabe said: This change broke a custom plug-in I have. The plug-in does $SQL->Where('d.ScriptID IS NULL'); on DiscussionModel_BeforeGet_Handler.
@peregrine I am using nginx, as that's what everyone suggests for VF even the VF developers from what I can figure.
I've been hunting around this forum this last week to get the rewrites working for a standard 2.1.5 installation without any customization. Is there an official nginx setup guide for VF 2.1?
The best I could come up scouring the forums was placed:
@peregrine I have since removed the symlink, and I'm still having the same error. I am not sure how that makes anything difficult. I've been deploying web code like that for over a decade on various *NIX platforms without a problem.
Now, the nginx I would love to make simple, as you're correct this has been the most difficult task thus far.
It wouldn't be so difficult, assuming a working configuration file somewhere worked with the setup mentioned in the above post, as the ones mentioned in the post above do not work. As such, leading me to the configuration that I have now that at least half-arse (from what you say) works.
From the various posts I've read you're one of the brightest on VF and you've mentioned yourself that nginx works best.
So, if it works best, can't we get a best-pratcies standard nginx configuration file? The one on github doesn't work on the installs I've done from scratch and below away.
If you're able to throw a bone on a static configuration file for the web server that'd be a huge help on that above post.
However, till then it's a pecking game of figuring it out.
if it were me and I couldn't get it to work with nginx.
@rotecho said: I've been deploying web code like that for over a decade on various *NIX platforms without a problem.
adding a symlink (may not be an issue), but the goal is to simplify (when troubleshooting) from my 3+ decades experience in *NIX
I would at least try apache to see if i have the same errors or if they go away.
if they go away, it is your nginx setup. I have no bone other than that. I am not a NGINX expert.
So, if it works best, can't we get a best-pratcies standard nginx configuration file? The one on github doesn't work on the installs I've done from scratch and below away.
Personally, I would prefer the developers spent their time making all staff add-ons in this forums add-on section work in vanilla 2.1 without making the community jump thru hoops. then we could reduce about 1/3 of the questions on the forum.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine haha I'm close to 3 decades. I'm only at 20. Started on Linux/Nix in 95 and haven't skipped a beat. I've deal with enough symlink issues to know it wasn't the problem.
However, you're right about the rewrites. Stripping the rewrites out of my configuration things seem to function smoother. Still couldn't get the previous configurations working (did it for shits and giggles to see if I was loosing my mind).
Hi All, I just attempted an upgrade to v2.1.6 from on a dev computer. When I copied the new files over and reloaded the dashboard everything looked as if it were alright. When I then went to yourforum.com/index.php?p=/utility/update as indicated in the github page instructions for upgrading, I got a bit screen saying that the upgrade was not successful. It seems to be working alright, but now I'm worried. How should I interpret this message, and/or verify that my upgrade did or did not work?
@fraxture said:
Hi All, I just attempted an upgrade to v2.1.6 from on a dev computer. When I copied the new files over and reloaded the dashboard everything looked as if it were alright. When I then went to yourforum.com/index.php?p=/utility/update as indicated in the github page instructions for upgrading, I got a bit screen saying that the upgrade was not successful. It seems to be working alright, but now I'm worried. How should I interpret this message, and/or verify that my upgrade did or did not work?\
Plaese help! After updating to v2.1.6 suddenly the embed function on my forum is not working. There's no visible error on the page where the forum is embedded. The Embed plugin is still enabled. The main thing I am noticing is an error in the browser console:
Refused to display 'http://forum.okgo.net/index.php?p=/&t=1420047375642&remote=http%3A%2F%2Fokgo.net%2Fforum&locale=' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
when I saw the error
tagging was enabled in 2.0.18 and was disabled prior to upgrade and yes it is in the core in 2.0.18
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
This change broke a custom plug-in I have. The plug-in does
$SQL->Where('d.ScriptID IS NULL');
. The result is:If I comment out the new line, it works again.
Some images not optimized.
The following need compression, percentage savings listed.
calendar.png 94.5%
cog-expander.png 15.6%
bubble-arrow.png 8.5%
connection-64.png 5.1%
dashboard-sprites.png 7.3%
72.gif 1.0%
usericon.gif 0.9%
arrow.png 0.8%
check.png 0.8%
buttons.gif 0.8%
75.gif 0.5%
74.gif 0.4%
5.gif 0.4%
77.gif 0.3%
62.gif 0.2%
56.gif 0.2%
18.gif 0.2%
103.gif 0.1%
109.gif 0.1%
45.gif 0.1%
8.gif 0.1%
pirate.gif 0.1%
59.gif 0.1%
@Anonymoose: Jep, TinyPNG rocks.
Command line and drag and drop for OS X:
Imageoptim provides lossless compression and integrates PNGOUT, Zopfli, Pngcrush, AdvPNG, extended OptiPNG, JpegOptim, jpegrescan, jpegtran, and Gifsicle.
Filed https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2303
Okay, I may be missing a step, so hopefully a reply can get a good solid solution
I have VF 2.1.5 and I want to upgrade to 2.1.6
The REAME.md is very limiting, so these are the steps I performed:
1.) Backed up DB
2.) Created two locations:
/app/www/vanilla-2.1.5 which symbolic links to /app/www/vanilla
I expanded 2.1.6 to:
I fixed the permissions to be owned via nginx:nginx as the 2.1.5
I rsync'd the config.php from the 2.1.5/conf to the 2.1.6/conf directory
I rsync'd the plugins & applications that I had different from the standard install.
I fixed the /app/www/vanilla symlink to point to the 2.1.6 branch
I then attemped to load the: www.myforum.com/index.php?p=/utility/update
I kept getting the error on the website:
The update was not successful.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
this tells me that the htaccess file is not correct and that pretty URL may not be true thus this outcome.
check that rewriteUrl is set to true in the config.php and check that the .htaccess file is correct and that
BaseRewriteUrl is not commented out with a # before BaseRewriteUrl /
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
check what vrijvlinder says but check your nginx rules.
nginx doesn't use .htaccess right, that is apache.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine I am using nginx, as that's what everyone suggests for VF even the VF developers from what I can figure.
I've been hunting around this forum this last week to get the rewrites working for a standard 2.1.5 installation without any customization. Is there an official nginx setup guide for VF 2.1?
The best I could come up scouring the forums was placed:
no. but I'm sure you can look at error logs and/or error logs to see what is giving you whoops errors
I suspect the symlinks are creating issues for you. why are you trying to make it so difficult?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine I have since removed the symlink, and I'm still having the same error. I am not sure how that makes anything difficult. I've been deploying web code like that for over a decade on various *NIX platforms without a problem.
Now, the nginx I would love to make simple, as you're correct this has been the most difficult task thus far.
It wouldn't be so difficult, assuming a working configuration file somewhere worked with the setup mentioned in the above post, as the ones mentioned in the post above do not work. As such, leading me to the configuration that I have now that at least half-arse (from what you say) works.
From the various posts I've read you're one of the brightest on VF and you've mentioned yourself that nginx works best.
So, if it works best, can't we get a best-pratcies standard nginx configuration file? The one on github doesn't work on the installs I've done from scratch and below away.
If you're able to throw a bone on a static configuration file for the web server that'd be a huge help on that above post.
However, till then it's a pecking game of figuring it out.
if it were me and I couldn't get it to work with nginx.
adding a symlink (may not be an issue), but the goal is to simplify (when troubleshooting) from my 3+ decades experience in *NIX
I would at least try apache to see if i have the same errors or if they go away.
if they go away, it is your nginx setup. I have no bone other than that. I am not a NGINX expert.
Personally, I would prefer the developers spent their time making all staff add-ons in this forums add-on section work in vanilla 2.1 without making the community jump thru hoops. then we could reduce about 1/3 of the questions on the forum.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine haha I'm close to 3 decades. I'm only at 20. Started on Linux/Nix in 95 and haven't skipped a beat. I've deal with enough symlink issues to know it wasn't the problem.
However, you're right about the rewrites. Stripping the rewrites out of my configuration things seem to function smoother. Still couldn't get the previous configurations working (did it for shits and giggles to see if I was loosing my mind).
Sorry to have bugged you.
Removing the rewrites allowed the upgrade to happen properly.
Hi All, I just attempted an upgrade to v2.1.6 from on a dev computer. When I copied the new files over and reloaded the dashboard everything looked as if it were alright. When I then went to
as indicated in the github page instructions for upgrading, I got a bit screen saying that the upgrade was not successful. It seems to be working alright, but now I'm worried. How should I interpret this message, and/or verify that my upgrade did or did not work?http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/220447/#Comment_220447
also see
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thank you @peregrine. The first link (http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/220447/#Comment_220447) helped. I was getting that same error, and running the sql command
alter table GDN_Tag drop index UX_Tag
appears to have taken care of the problem.`
Plaese help! After updating to v2.1.6 suddenly the embed function on my forum is not working. There's no visible error on the page where the forum is embedded. The Embed plugin is still enabled. The main thing I am noticing is an error in the browser console: