How do you recommend I keep up to date?

Forgive me if this isn't the appropriate venue for a question like this, but I'm migrating a large community to vanilla and as a developer, I'm trying to follow best practices for version control.
I currently have Vanilla 2.1.3 installed via git clone from a few months ago. After installing, I added a theme and a few plugins and activated them. I now want to upgrade to 2.1.6, so I thought I'd do a git pull origin Vanilla_2.1.6 but because those plugins made local changes to code, it doesn't want to merge.
Should I stash those changes, pull in the new version, and then attempt to apply the changes? Or is there a better workflow to keep up to date?
As a similar question, if I want to do other things like edit the links in the nav bar at the top (which I believe would require a code change), how do you recommend I do that without preventing my ability to update?
Thanks for your help.
Best Answer
hgtonight MVP
@Wilson29thID said:
lincolnwebs recommended using symlinks here, but don't the plugins actually modify code in the forum/garden files? Or are the plugins all hook based?Plugins are all hook based.
There are exceptions, but no plugin overwrites core files.
I use a workflow similar to Lincoln. I have the core vanilla repo and the vanilla addons repo cloned to my web server. Then I checkout the 2.1 branch and symlink any plugins I want.
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lincolnwebs recommended using symlinks here, but don't the plugins actually modify code in the forum/garden files? Or are the plugins all hook based?
addmenuitem plugin depending on which nav bar.
or modify the default.master.tpl theme (if a core theme) clone it so it won't be copied over on updates.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks @peregrine, I've installed that plugin. Does anyone have any thoughts on the git workflow?
you type "git" in the search box on this forum and see what insights you get.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Plugins are all hook based.
There are exceptions, but no plugin overwrites core files.
I use a workflow similar to Lincoln. I have the core vanilla repo and the vanilla addons repo cloned to my web server. Then I checkout the 2.1 branch and symlink any plugins I want.
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