UserInfo Tooltip 1.0

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Another extension by Jazzman. This one will show a tooltip when you mouseover a user-link on the comments page. Just like gmail's tooltip.

Download: UserInfo Tooltip 1.0

You can easily extend it to fetch account0links on other pages. For example, if you want to enable it on the discussion list, just add 'index.php' to the in_array function in the default.php. I didn't use it there because there are too many account links. People would easily mouseover it and will get annoyed with the tooltip :)

Demo on my website:


  • Wow man, quality extension after quality extension. Fantastic work!
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited July 2006
    Jazzman wishes he hadn't started that tattoo showing Vanilla extensions down his arm...

  • Cool stuff. Your site is painfully slow though!
  • Haha Mini.. true.. but It's my test machine on a Pentium 166 MHz with only 64 MB Ram :D I'll upgrade it soon ;)
  • Oh right it's a home connection? I'll let you off then. You know i do some very good hosting deals... :P
    P166 though?! Man! I've even chucked them out my 'shit old pc's which i might find some use for' pile!!
  • Brilliant! Jazzmachine: Can your next add-on be one that populates a new forum with a set of believable but totally randomly generated witty and popular characters and a host of insightful conversations?
  • I like hosting it a home, as I can just develop on my windows machine and use samba to connect to a share :) The only thing that's stopping me for developing faster is the refresh of the forum pages... :)
  • Hey LookHere... that could be useful. Maybe an extension that auto-creates discussions based on an RSS feed. This way you can download news, and people can add comments to it :)
  • Yeah, that does sound useful. Like a newsagg that takes a feed and makes news articles commentable. Not what I meant, but I am a genius, so I claim it ;-)
  • lol lookhere i dont think we can go into fake members that post random conversations :P im sure it would never work.
  • Wow, Jazzman you're a machine. Awesome idea and execution.
  • Great addon Jazzman, thanks for all your hard work! And that auto-creating a discussion from an RSS feed would be great as well!
  • If you want to pay the postage on it I'm about to have a load of p3 733 boxes spare jazz...
  • not bad jazzman... not bad !
  • other than that i have a question... is it possible to add a little sliedout effect to your sweet extension?
  • I can't get the tooltip to show's not because I have Friendly URLs, is it?
  • great work, jazzman. thanks for another great extension.

    have any idea why the emails wouldn't be showing up on the tooltip? everything else shows fine, just the email is blank on all users ( even the ones that have it enabled ).

    thanks again!

  • Nice work Jazzman. I think I found a little problem though... When I move my cursor while hovering the tooltip reloads constantly. I'f I keep moving my mouse the tool tip will never load.

    video example here

    p.s. I'm using safari I don't know if that makes a difference.
  • @phaded: I've developed this extension on my server with Friendly URL's installed

    @a_j: it's an exact copy of the account page (same control). However, users can set an option if they want to show their email address or not.

    @AssProphet: got a fresh windows install, but no Quicktime yet... Gonna install that asap :)
  • Yeah, I figured it was... but for some reason it's not displaying the email addy's of the member who have the display enabled, nor is it displaying "n/a" on those who don't. Email field is just blank on all the tooltips.
This discussion has been closed.