Hmmm....only problem I see is that when its near the bottom of the page - or very long - it gets cut off and you cannot scroll down without making it disappear. Perhaps a little patch will fix this right up?
I have the Private Accounts 1.0 extension that hides the accounts info from the guest , but with this extension activated wich is awesome by the way , the guest can view that info :( . How can i restrict who has accesed to the UserInfo Tooltip
I've got to agree with phaded here.. I've got the extension installed and activated, but nothing happens when one mouses over a username in a discussion.
Vanilla 1 here, not using Private Accounts, though I do require registration to get access to the forum.
Just thought I'd add that when my girlfriend tested it on her computer for me, she got a popup that was a mini version of the entire thread, and that it wouldn't go away...I've since disabled it, but I'd still love to have it, so yeah.
It's a great extention but I have changed the style from "default" to "soulscape" and it stoped working. Any idea what the problem can be? Or if anyone can post what their config is?
I think the problem lies in the CSS "position: relative/absolute". I create a div at the page_end which is used to overlay when you mouse-over an account link, but maybe some wrapper overrules the position-tag. It could also be the problem that the fetching-mouse-coords function doesn't work properly. When I'm going to update my extensions again, I will test it on different themes.
Can't wait to try this out on my site! Cheers.
Ok...did that, reinstalled. Still no shebang.
It's a great extention but I have changed the style
from "default" to "soulscape" and it stoped working.
Any idea what the problem can be? Or if anyone can post
what their config is?
Thank you!
if someone embeds a youtube video, the tooltip pops up behind it.
Are their any negative effects from always using that in the embed tag?