UserInfo Tooltip 1.0



  • Hmmm....only problem I see is that when its near the bottom of the page - or very long - it gets cut off and you cannot scroll down without making it disappear. Perhaps a little patch will fix this right up?

    Can't wait to try this out on my site! Cheers.
  • My tooltips actually aren't showing up either. Same issue as phaded.
  • mine worked after i chmoded the extensions.php to 777
  • edited July 2006
    Woah. thought I had done that. Odd.

    Ok...did that, reinstalled. Still no shebang.
  • vanilla one? and just to make sure .. chemod the whole folder incl. content to 777 .. probably then g-luck
  • Everything and their grandmothers have been CHMODed to 777. Still nothing.
  • I have the Private Accounts 1.0 extension that hides the accounts info from the guest , but with this extension activated wich is awesome by the way , the guest can view that info :( . How can i restrict who has accesed to the UserInfo Tooltip
  • I've got to agree with phaded here.. I've got the extension installed and activated, but nothing happens when one mouses over a username in a discussion. Vanilla 1 here, not using Private Accounts, though I do require registration to get access to the forum.
  • Just thought I'd add that when my girlfriend tested it on her computer for me, she got a popup that was a mini version of the entire thread, and that it wouldn't go away...I've since disabled it, but I'd still love to have it, so yeah.
  • Hi,

    It's a great extention but I have changed the style
    from "default" to "soulscape" and it stoped working.
    Any idea what the problem can be? Or if anyone can post
    what their config is?

    Thank you!
  • Anyone? :)
  • edited July 2006
    same problem ... i try to fix it, but i cant find the line
  • Can't see any tooltips in work on you site, Jazzman
  • I've changed the theme this morning, and disabled a lot of extensions including UserInfo.
  • Can we manually change the settings, so the extention to work with "soulscape"?
  • I think the problem lies in the CSS "position: relative/absolute". I create a div at the page_end which is used to overlay when you mouse-over an account link, but maybe some wrapper overrules the position-tag. It could also be the problem that the fetching-mouse-coords function doesn't work properly. When I'm going to update my extensions again, I will test it on different themes.
  • edited December 2006
    i've encountered a small problem with this plugin (not very important but i thought i'd post it).

    if someone embeds a youtube video, the tooltip pops up behind it.

  • edited December 2006
    make the youtube video have wmode="transparent" in the embed tag that will fix it btw what are u using to embed youtube
  • StashStash
    edited December 2006
    BBInsertBar with one of my little tweaks and a bunch of clever coding from Bergamot and SirNot.

    Are their any negative effects from always using that in the embed tag?
  • @myschizobuddy: thanks for the tip, i'll try it out tomorrow.
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