Bugs: Fresh install issues
Dunno if it's just me or what, but two quickies:
When I manage Extensions, I see the "Whisper" extension listed 11 times. This is the same number of files in the Extensions directory. It appears that it isn't enumerating the extensions correctly.
Filebrowser isn't installed in the images directory.
Error Message: The root configuration file could not be found/read (_config.xml).
Affected Elements: FileBrowser.RetrieveConfigurationPropertiesFromXml();
I think several other files are missing as well.
Other than those two, everything else looks pretty great!
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What operating system are you running?
What version of php are you running?
Take a look in the extensions directory and tell me what you see.
What permissions are set on the _config.xml file in the images directory?
That error means that the php function "mail" didn't work, which implies that php isn't set up to send mail on your server. There are a few configuration directives that php needs to have set up in order to work, you can check out the documentation here:
If you want to see the actual error that php is throwing, you can do it by opening up the library/Utility.Email.class.php file. Go to line 149:
if (!@mail($this->Recipients[0]["Email"], $this->Subject, $Message, $Header)) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email.");
Comment that line out and replace it with this line:
/* if (!@mail($this->Recipients[0]["Email"], $this->Subject, $Message, $Header)) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email."); */ mail($this->Recipients[0]["Email"], $this->Subject, $Message, $Header);
Then the page will just burp out the ugly php error and you can see exactly what php is doing.
What operating system are you running?
What version of php are you running?
Take a look in the extensions directory and tell me what you see.
What permissions are set on the _config.xml file in the images directory?
That makes the most sense. I think my FTP client is being fussy...I'll download the release version and give it another shot.
In the mean time here's the phpinfo http://www.imaginaryfriendfinder.com/phpinfo.php
(The domain name is one of those little jokey ones that I register on a whim, then do nothing with.
Well, it kinda works. I uploaded the entire thing again with a different FTP client. Dropped the tabels, ran the installer, and the same thing with the extentions is happening.
Filebrowser has a totally different error now.
dude don't you use something like subversion or cvs for versioning?