yeah setting up the server portion of it is a bit of a chore... and i have only done it in a windows environment, but i also integrated it with and nant... which is a pretty awesome .net setup BTW.
I've got a free source control system (SourceGearVault) for my dotnet stuff that works pretty well.
For my php development I use komodo. If subversion could work that that it would be ace :)
I'm normally the primary developer on all things php out of my office. So, I'd only be interested in two things with subversion: 1. version numbering, and 2. change tracking (ie. being able to see which files have been changed since the last release).
Up until now I've been keeping track of that myself. And after a long day of programming, I can get sloppy.
If I'm right, I don't think php5 really limits anything to what php4 apps can do. They should run the same if not faster under 5. Otherwise that would kill the reason to upgrade one would think, wouldn't it? I think the only thing they changed in terms of classes is how Pear/Pecil calls are made since those are in effect their own classes on a global scale.The most I could see being different is how security is treated plus the addition of a few easier ways to do things (ie: xml stuff).
I was actually looking into CVS systems late last month myself, for php the only thing I found worthy albeit fucking huge was a php app titled seagull. Mostly used for versioning projects like hoard, I think it's used on sourceforge as well and ties into an existing cvs. I'd like to find something simple though.
lech - php5 has massive upgrades to their class definitions. Vanilla is like 90% classes. And I know jonezy had php5 running and Vanilla wouldn't work. So it was surprising to see it work on a php5 system.
Yeah, I've spent some time briefly digging through your files and did notice that most of it was class based. My guess is just that php5 vs 4 approaches classes differently as in, what is and what isn't defined as a class. My guess is their approach to how they handle security via the same way perl does in safe mode with the $my prefixing of user and library defined properties. Wevah no doubt knows more about this than I do, probably best for him to have a say here.
I thought I replied but I must have done it in a different thread...Not a big confidence builder with my testing abilities...
Anyway, Filebrowser works like a champ now. The Extensions still have the same behavior. Must be PHP5. No big deal. Thanks!
I'd love to get to the bottom of that bug. If you're really trusting, maybe you can grant me temporary access to your server so I can do some testing. Email me if interested (support [at] lussumo [dot] com)
I've got a new installation of and I'm getting the Time Extension listed 13 times like in the post by subterrane above. Has anyone gotten to the bottom of this?
I'm running on Fedora Core 4, no seLinux, PHP ver. 5.0.5 and everything else seems to be working fine. I would like to get the Yellow Highlighting extension as well as a few others working, but right now I can only select the Timer Extension...
Thanks for any help anyone can provide....
It's a php5 issue, check the wiki for how to proceed
this should be fixed in the next revision as well.
it's merging module has got to be the best one in the free natural world... it's insane.
we consistenly have 3-6 people working on the same project at the same time in different parts of the world.