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I'm going to have so much fun with this
Do I see the hitchhiker's guide to galaxy in there?
This will finally bring more life to my kafkaesque test board.
For some reason it always chooses a random language for me. I guess it's supposed to be array_key_exists
on line 15 in the textgenerator?
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Nice catch!
Will update when I get to a desktop.
This was a lot of fun to write. Thanks again @R_J !
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Looks like an awesome plugin! Will definitely find it useful soon! Good job, @hgtonight!
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
Thanks for creating that nice plugin!
I've sent pull requests for TextGenerator and UserGenerator (sorry I didn't made them at once, but I was using the web interface of GitHub) so that they use the chosen language.
@Bleistivt: I only saw now that you've already provided a better solution for the problem...
I just realized where that bug came from. I originally did not have a keyed array.
Oh well, fixed for now.
Also added some screenies.
EDIT - Also super thankful for the PRs.
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