Reactions on all Activities
Why not react on all of the activity items? I simply commented out the check if($Activity->AllowComments == 0)
in class.hooks.php and that helped showing the reactions in nearly all activity items!
The only place where it wasn't shown, although I expected it, was everywhere when the Session->User was involved:
- Chico, Harpo and You joined
- Chico -> Groucho 'Hey there' (when me being Groucho)
My thoughts on 1.
Showing is only one part and storing is one other. In every reaction where multiple users are involved ('Groucho, Chico, Harpo joined'), clicking on a reaction failed.
I've tried to change that with modifying/adding a little bit in the ReactionsModel:
public function Set($ID, $Type, $AuthorIDs, $UserID, $ActionID) { if (is_array($AuthorIDs)) { foreach ($AuthorIDs as $AuthorID) { $this->Set($ID, $Type, $AuthorID, $UserID, $ActionID); } } else { $AuthorID = $AuthorIDs; } ...
But you can only react once for each content ID and therefore the reaction "ended" by the last user in the array. Because of that I think it is not possible to use a "Awesome that you all are here!" reaction
My thoughts on 2.
When a user (id 1) writes something on the wall of another user (id 2), the ActivityUserID is 2 (the "owner" of the wall) and the RegardingUserID as well as the InsertUserID is 1 (the author of that entry)
So the check in the hooks file should better be
else if( (strtolower($Activity->ActivityType) != 'wallpost' && $CurrentUserID == $Activity->ActivityUserID) || (strtolower($Activity->ActivityType) == 'wallpost' && $CurrentUserID == $Activity->RegardingUserID) || ) { // User is the author of this activity ...
That alone won't do the trick. On clicking the reactions (that will show after this tweak), I'm informed that I cannot react on my own content. Well, this check has to be in the index function of the ReactionController, also!
case 'activity': if (strtolower($Item['ActivityType']) == 'wallpost') { $ItemOwnerID = $Item['RegardingUserID']; $UserID = $Item['ActivityUserID']; } else { $ItemOwnerID = $Item['ActivityUserID']; } break;
What else?
The changes above should mostly do the trick, although they show reactions for group activities which cannot be saved. I don't know any solution for that. Maybe this is really something that couldn't be reacted on
If someone reacts on "admin changed his picture", that reaction will not show up in /profile/reactions
ActivityComments should be a reactable content! As far as I have seen you can react on entries in discussion, comment and activity. But I think adding a complete new content will be quite a lot of work.
Thank you for the feedback!
I chose to only allow reactions on commentable activity types for a few reasons:
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Taking it a step further, since Yaga "provides a gamification platform for Vanilla Forums and other Garden applications" it would be really cool if a plugin could define more reaction types.
e.g. Article, or ArticleComment
But the reaction model would have to be a lot more generic for that. Currentliy "activity, comment, discussion" are hardcoded everywhere.
I hope we are not giving you too much of a headache hgtonight...
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I think this is a great idea that shouldn't require too much work to be done. There is already an issue filed on the article repo about integrating with Yaga, so now would be a good time to change that.
Collaboration is why I really dig OS. I can't possibly write perfect code, so bug fixes and feedback is always welcome. What I am saying is "keep it coming!"
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