Welcome mail and mailchimp integration dont work

in Localization
Hello everyone. I'm french and i like to use vanilla forum like this...
- users subscribe (it work)
- They dont receive confirmation message and mailchimp send them welcome mail. (Dont work)
My idea create 2 problems for me :
- How to disable "Welcome abroad! auto message send when a new user register?". i find it : http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/18807/is-there-a-way-to-disable-the-registration-email
But change "true" by "false" change nothing. Even delete the line
I desesperate. My auto welcome message look like that :
i dont use user validation and i dont want.
- Second problem is with the mailchip addon integration. I do exactly what is writing here (api key+id list enabled)
But it dont work. I have not the case "subscrire to newletter" in my registration form.
I use :
- Vanilla : Version 2.1.8p2
- Bitter Sweetversion 1.1 theme
- http://vanillaforums.org/addon/vf_fr-locale (for the translation)
Thank for your help.
You can disable email confirmation by going to /dashboard/settings/registration and unchecking the checkbox on the bottom ("Require users to confirm their email addresses (recommended)" in english)
I can't help you with the mailchimp plugin. You may have more luck if you open a new thread under the plugin by clicking on "Ask a Question" on the plugins page
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Hi Bleistivt, thank to have take time to answer me
I have try what you say me but it just disable confirmation message, not auto welcome message.
i will do for plugin thank for advice
Disabling the welcome mail requires overriding the
method. I don't have a test bed in front of me, so all I could suggest at the moment is addingreturn true;
as the first line in that method (which can be found in/applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php
.If no one else comes up with a plugin that overrides this without a core modifcation, ping me in a month and I should be able to whip something up for you.
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Hi great thank for your help.
"$Email->Subject(sprintf(T('[%s] Welcome Aboard!'), $AppTitle));
i have try on computer and mobile and it work. I dont know if is clean to do that but it work hehe.
This for feedback. Great thank everyone for your help.