Question regarding bootstrap theme intergration
I was wondering if someone could verify whether or not my understanding of this is correct or incorrect. I have a website that is using vanilla for the forums and bootstrap for the theme; my homepage however is using wordpress. Currently the homepage and forums look like two completely different websites since their themes are I'm looking for a clean, premium wordpress theme that I can use for my homepage and my forums. I know I can embed my forum, but I'd like to still have the functionality of bootstrap's theme. For example: since bootstrap is such a popular theme, most plugins are built with it in mind and work well with it. If I just embed my forums to a wordpress site with a wordpress theme, I'm worried that certain plugins won't work well. So I guess my question is, what is the best way to go about this?
I have a theme in mind that is a wordpress theme but is also compatible with bootstrap. Does this mean I could still technically have bootstrap as my theme, but have it displayed as this this theme? Here is the theme:
Best Answer
rasteron ✭✭
If you still would like to retain most of the plugin and features of your vanilla forum, I would suggest applying a similar theme or look from your Wordpress theme. Most sites and networks that I know of are going for this solution, some of them are corporate and organization sites and it works perfectly for them. It's possible with the bootstrap theme though with custom css.
If you still would like to retain most of the plugin and features of your vanilla forum, I would suggest applying a similar theme or look from your Wordpress theme. Most sites and networks that I know of are going for this solution, some of them are corporate and organization sites and it works perfectly for them. It's possible with the bootstrap theme though with custom css.
@rasteron I see, so basically I would find a WP theme I like for my homepage...then use custom css to try and mimic that theme a best as possible? That makes sense.
My only question is, this theme says it's compatible with bootstrap...what exactly does that mean?
If it is compatible with bootstrap, I assume the markup used probably is compatible.
Meaning a bootstrap based theme will completely skin the site.
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@Skisma Yes, there's already one good example here with Sicnus's wordpress and vanilla site.
@hgtonight Maybe it's talking about the bootstrap framework vs the theme? It would be really sweet though if it had a bootstrap based theme that just worked!
@rasteron Awesome! Thanks for providing an example