New Feature

Initially when I launched this beta program you needed to end you email replies with /eom
This is no longer the case. Simply reply to the email, above the original quoted message, and send the email.
As it is a trickier problem to solve than meets they eye there may be a few quirks for some email clients, but so far it is working.
I have also updated the plugin to improve the formatting, please update.
Soon I will be providing support for transactional email services like Mandrill which you won't be able to use currently due to header restrictions. It is not bad idea to use these as although this plugin should not add much overhead, more people using notifications will, as will larger user bases.
grep is your friend.
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Anyone is welcome to beta test, there is no obligation to stay. Just PM me otherwise I might ignore your application.
grep is your friend.
I am wondering if it might be an idea for the user replying by email to get some feedback, such as a return email saying it was posted successfully, or the context doesn't exist or may have been deleted?
grep is your friend.
I guess a feedback if posting fails is a must, but a confirmation for a successful posting should be optional.
How about using the "Importance: High" header for requesting also a positive feedback?
I'm not really a fan of that header. Are you saying the reply should be marked important? That is a a tall ask for a user.
Confirmation would be from he plugin not the service, so could make it a user setting, along with notification.
grep is your friend.
My main statement was: a positive reply should be optional. The user expects that a posting is successful and that's why it doesn't need a confirmation.
The second thought was that it would be nice to get a confirmation on demand.
Maybe I have a bad internet connection or something like that and simply want to make it sure one time only that my message gets posted. It would be nice to have some kind of a flag for that. When sending emails, you normally have very limited fields and "important" is quite often there. That's why I made this suggestion.
What about setting myself on cc? Server sees who is on cc and if sender is in cc, it could take it as an order for response.
I suppose you could have this feature too, but if goes against the grain of simply replying.
I think having a notification option makes sense they could always turn it off. After all, it is the same conversation view / threaded email and it would come pretty much soon after they sent their reply, so it is not as if it is out of context.
grep is your friend.