Tracking down Missing Discussions

Hi all,
I'm running an online MFA program, running 2.1.8p2 at the moment. Due to the necessities of the program, student and faculty access, and the need for private classrooms, private 'office hour' spaces, and available archives of previous semesters, we have a LOT of roles and a LOT of Categories.
One of my faculty members recently informed me that the discussions posted in one of the student-faculty-1-on-1 Categories have disappeared. I need to figure out what happened. Off the top of my head, some possible explanations include:
- They posted these things somewhere else and lost them. (Not likely, as only this category has the right permissions for both these users to be the sole users.)
- The database had a seizure while trying to keep track of all the categories and lost some posts (perhaps possible, but very bad news).
But I'm sure those aren't the only explanations.
The thing is, I'm not sure how to tell what happened to those posts, if they can be recovered, if there's some sort of activity log for just that Category, or if I can find out such things directly, via the database.
The users (of course) can't tell me when, specifically, the posts disappeared, so digging through backups of the database is a pretty unattractive option, since I have no idea where, within the last 8 weeks, to look.
I'd start with a search of the database for discussions with the corresponding CategoryID.
select * from GDN_Discussion where CategoryID= 1
where 1 is the CategoryID. You can get this by looking at the URL when editing the category in the Dashboard (it should be the only number in it).Thanks!
I'm also digging through posts started by the student in question, and may have found at least one of their so-called missing posts.