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Social login in guest module

I finished my custom theme, but have a couple of problems. The most important is problem with social login. How I can enable social login at guest module, at sign in view all work perfect.

Like here:


  • These should be displayed in the guest module already. Although they look different out of the box, IIRC.

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  • edited March 2015

    in guest.php view I have next code

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); ?>
       <?php echo T('Howdy, Stranger!'); ?>
       <?php echo T($this->MessageCode, $this->MessageDefault); ?>
       <?php $this->FireEvent('BeforeSignInButton'); ?>
       $signInUrl = SignInUrl($this->_Sender->SelfUrl);
       if ($signInUrl) {
          echo '';
          echo Anchor(T('Sign In'), SignInUrl($this->_Sender->SelfUrl), 'Button Primary'.(SignInPopup() ? ' SignInPopup' : ''), array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
          $Url = RegisterUrl($this->_Sender->SelfUrl);
             echo ' '.Anchor(T('Register', T('Apply for Membership', 'Register')), $Url, 'Button ApplyButton', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
          echo '';
       <?php $this->FireEvent('AfterSignInButton'); ?>

    I researched how this icons added at signin page/popup.

    Code in view:

    $Methods = $this->Data('Methods', array());
    $SelectedMethod = $this->Data('SelectedMethod', array());
    $CssClass = count($Methods) > 0 ? ' MultipleEntryMethods' : ' SingleEntryMethod';
    if (count($Methods) > 0) {
        echo ''
            . Wrap('' . T('Or you can...') . '', 'div');
        foreach ($Methods as $Key => $Method) {
            $CssClass = 'Method Method_' . $Key;
            echo '',
        echo '';

    For this EntryController has method SignIn:

    public function SignIn($Method = FALSE, $Arg1 = FALSE) {
    // Additional signin methods are set up with plugins.
          $Methods = array();
          $this->SetData('Methods', $Methods);
          $this->SetData('FormUrl', Url('entry/signin'));

    For example in OpenId Plugin:

    class OpenIDPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
       public static $ProviderKey = 'OpenID';
       /// Methods ///
       protected function _AuthorizeHref($Popup = FALSE) {
          $Url = Url('/entry/openid', TRUE);
          $UrlParts = explode('?', $Url);
          parse_str(GetValue(1, $UrlParts, ''), $Query);
          $Path = '/'.Gdn::Request()->Path();
          $Query['Target'] = GetValue('Target', $_GET, $Path ? $Path : '/');
          if (isset($_GET['Target']))
             $Query['Target'] = $_GET['Target'];
          if ($Popup)
             $Query['display'] = 'popup';
          $Result = $UrlParts[0].'?'.http_build_query($Query);
          return $Result;

    Do you have any idea?

  • I am seeing three hooks in use for connect plugins: Base_SignInIcons_Handler, Base_BeforeSignInButton_Handler, and Base_BeforeSignInLink_Handler. The guest module fires the BeforeSignInButton event (and an AfterSignInButton event).

    Did you override the guest module view? If you did, you need to fire the events where appropriate.

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