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Intro/Terms of Service/etc

unipusunipus New
edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is the text that appears on the Sign-In, the Terms of Service, etc. static, or is that pulled from a database? Because I think another nice idea would be to make all that stuff user-editable somewhere in the primary admin's settings panel.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    All text in vanilla is loaded from a language dictionary. You can open up your language dictionary and edit it to say whatever you want :) It sits in the languages/English.php file.
  • good to know, thanks!
  • Is this still the case in I can't seem to find a /languages directory or an English.php file.

    Thank you!
  • No, this discussion is re: Vanilla 1.
  • Is there a comparable file for version 2?
  • Was looking for this too - in version look in

  • That was it. Thank you!
  • I too would like to change the TOS. I've created a folder under /vanilla/locales called en-overrides and copied the definitions.php from the skeleton folder. I updated the LocaleInfo and added a new TOS there. When I go to Locales in the Dashboard, I don't see how I can select it as my default. It does not show up under the drop down for Default Locale (only en-CA is listed there) and it is not listed under Locale Name (only Skeleton Locale is listed there).

    What step did I miss?
  • You missed making a new definitions.php for your locale variation. What did you do to change the TOS?
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